10 Best iPhone Games To Play With Your Friends When You're ...

best ios games to play with your girlfriend

best ios games to play with your girlfriend - win

Quarantine date ideas and phone games to play with your girlfriend or boyfriend

Continuation to LDR Activities you can do with your partner.
Quarantine dates
  1. Go to supercook.com which lets you put any ingredients that you have in your house. Once your boyfriend or girlfriend have selected all the ingredients, you basically look through this list of all the dishes that you can make and you can each select one. Both of you select a recipe, make it together and then see who has the better dish.
  2. Get a shot glass and your favorite alcohol. Find a list on Google to ask your girlfriend or boyfriend. Once you find the list, you take turns asking questions. And if you don't want to answer it, you take a shot.
  3. Pick an event or a date night. Look through your closer together and find a matching outfit, and make matching outfits together.
  4. Get a Chrome extension called Scener. Click on the extension in the Google Chrome bar and follow prompts. Create a private theatre and choose a streaming service, and if you want to video chat, you can enable your camera. Pick something to watch and share the invite link with your girlfriend or boyfriend.
  5. Pick a category (e.g. Jewelry) and budget (e.g. 15 dollars), Set a time limit (e.g. 5 minutes). Find an item within the time limit. You can basically browse Amazon or any shops over the Internet and find a gift to find them under 5 minutes, with the same category and budget.
  6. Play phone games together: Brawl Stars (arena game where you can team up with your significant other), Spaceteam (a puzzle game that requires a ton of communication), QuizUp (has quizzes on a ton of different topics)
  7. Hogwarts Digital Escape Room
  8. Go to drunkpirate.co.uk. Add players. Drink if the card tells you to. Preferable to do this over video chat.
  9. Pick a song you like and give it to your boyfriend/girlfriend. Go on Spotify to search the song and make a playlist out of it. Go to the playlist and add some of the recommended songs. At the end, you should have a playlist for each other with the music that they like.
  10. skribbl.io - one person draws and everyone else guesses
  11. Go to Spotify. Click the device icon on the bottom left. Click "Start Session". Send an invite. Once they get the same invite, they'll be on the same listening session as you. So you can listen to the same music or Podcast together.
  12. Get the Google Chrome extension "Scener". Go to Netflix and search "Black Mirror Bandersnatch". This is essentially an interactive movie that you and your girlfriend/boyfriend can watch together.
Best phone games to play with your girlfriend or boyfriend (all online)
  1. Spaceteam - A puzzle game that you can play with your boyfriend/girlfriend or up to 7 other people. The whole point of this game is to try to get out of the space shuttle alive, so you get instructions and then you have to give to the other player playing the game. You have to give the instructions in a certain time limit. Play the game until you damage the ship completely or pass through all the levels.
  2. Bunch - You can play a bunch of different games with your boyfriend/girlfriend all while videochatting with them
  3. Never Have I Ever
  4. Most Likely To
  5. Truth or Dare
submitted by BuoyantBun to LongDistance [link] [comments]

A Pink Sun Prologue(?)

Based on an AU idea that u/Amirjs06 made and I expanded on, swaps between Sunny and Aubrey’s POV depending on the situation

Prologue: Truth, Dare, and Being There for You

Current POV: Sunny
Mom and Dad are going to be away for the weekend for work reasons, while I wasn’t the most comfortable with them not being around, Mari didn’t have cram school for once so I guess things worked out. Actually she seems to be rather happy about them leaving, everyone’s coming over Saturday, so I guess not having them around’ll allows us to have more freedom when hanging out. Dad was about to head out when he said “Now be good while we’re gone, you two.”
“Yes sir!” Mari and I said in unison while saluting as a joke.
1 Day Later
Today’s the day, everyone’s coming over. Mari seems more giddy to hang out with everyone than usual... something’s up.
Knock Knock Knock
“Sunny, can you get the door? I think everyone’s here!” Mari shouted from the kitchen, we were working on making some refreshments for everyone beforehand earlier.
I walked to the door and opened it up.
Usually, Hero’s the one leading the group when everyone comes over, but he seems to be chatting with Basil on the side. Instead, Kel was the one standing front and center. “Heya Sunny, how’s it going?” he said with a huge grin on face.
“I’m doing well, how’s everyone else doing?”
“Good, good, though Basil and Hero have seemed really excited for whatever reason.”
Kel, Hero, and Basil walked in... and the latter two didn’t even greet me, this is getting really weird, they could at least say hi. Finally, Aubrey was still standing outside. “Hi Sunny, it’s good to see you again!” Aubrey said while swiftly twirling.
“O-oh, yeah, it’s great seeing you outside of school too.” Great, now I’m blushing, I turned my head in order to avoid her seeing how red I was. I’ve had a crush on her for a few years now, I’ve only really told that to Mari and Basil kinda figured it out on his own after he took a picture of Aubrey in the rain and showed it to me. I want to talk to her about it, but confessing to her would run the risk of... never mind.
After we talked for a while, Hero decided to give a suggestion for what we should do today, “Hey, why don’t we play Truth or Dare? It’ll be a good team building activity and maybe we can learn a thing or two about each other.” Hero looked over to Mari, oh great, she’s making that face, her smug face that she makes when she’s about to pull something off. I look a bit to the left of Mari and see Basil smiling ear to ear, those three are planning something for this Truth or Dare session and I don’t like it.
Truth or Dare is going fairly fine so far. The dares were kinda strange, having to balance Kel’s ball and Aubrey’s Mr. Plantegg on my head and Hero keeping a cup of baking soda in his mouth without spitting it out for a minute were definitely highlights of the afternoon, there was also that truth where Kel revealed that he had a mole on his... I don’t want to think about it. Right now it’s Mari’s fifth turn and she’s making that smug face again, uh oh.
“Sunny, Truth or Dare?”
“Truth, my back can’t handle another dare after Kel’s dare 2 rounds ago.”
“Alright, how do you feel about Aubrey?”
Crap. Mari, Basil, and Hero are looking at me expectingly while Kel looks confused. Wait, did Mari tell Hero about my feelings for Aubrey? That would explain why he seemed to have a plan with Basil and Mari. Was this whole game orchestrated so I’d be forced to confess to Aubrey? Quick Sunny, find a way out of this!
“I-I take it back, dare! Please, dare me to do something!”
Aubrey notices my panic and looks to the ground with a depressed look on her face. Oh god, does she think I don’t like her, er, don’t even like her as a friend? Darn it, Sunny, why do you have to be such a numb skull?!
“Okay, in which case, I dare you to tell Aubrey how you feel about her~!”
Of course Mari would pull something like that. Fine, if confessing makes it so that Aubrey doesn’t think I hate her, might as well get it out of the way.
“I’ve... always had a crush on Aubrey. She’s bubbly, energetic, almost always smiling, and it always feels like she’s able to bring the best out in me when we’re together. I’ve never had the guts to say anything because I felt like if she didn’t feel the same, things would be awkward between the two of us...”
God, my face is red, I don’t even need to look in a mirror, I can just feel the how warm my face from how much I’m blushing. I’m looking at the ground to avoid eye contact. I screwed up, didn’t I...
Next thing I knew, I was being hugged. And when I looked up, it’s Aubrey. She’s teary eyed, but smiling, it’s probably the happiest I’ve seen her since Hero, Kel, Mari, and I first became friends with her.
“Sunny, I’ve always liked you too. I’ve had these feelings bubbling up ever since you introduced me to everyone. I-I’m just so happy you feel the same way, thank you so much...” Aubrey said in a quivering voice. All I could do is hug her back. I-I guess we’re a couple now. Even thinking about it is kinda weird, but I’m so happy I don’t really care. Basil took a picture and everyone cheered for us.
Once everything calmed down, Basil chimed in, “I’m glad this went well, Mari, Hero, and I were planning this out for the last two weeks. I wasn’t sure if this was going to work out, but you’re parents leaving was just the final key we needed. Oh, one more thing, try to keep this a secret from your parents, Sunny, you know how things are with Hero and Mari.” As soon as he says that, Hero and Mari look away from each other, chuckle, and blush. Right, Dad’s always has been strict with dating, that’s probably the only reason Mari and Hero haven’t official announced that they’re a couple.
“Ahh, but I wanna show to the world that Sunny and I love each other...” Aubrey whined, “but, fine, I’ll live.” “Love each” huh, it feels really nice to hear that, maybe things are on the up ‘n up for now.
Basil’s Memories: 10/3 199X
A photo of Sunny and Aubrey hugging, smiling, and looking into each other’s eyes while tears of joy flow down their cheeks. Hero, Mari, and Kel are cheering the new couple on in the background
Sunny finally confessed his feelings to Aubrey’s today. I’ve never seen the two so happy before. I hope I can end up in a relationship like that someday.
2 Months Later
Current POV: Aubrey
It’s been a month sense Mari passed. It’s still fresh in my mind, I was walking to Sunny’s home to see him before the concert when I heard screaming and crying. I rushed over to his house to see Basil crying while trying to explain something to Sunny’s parents, Kel, and Hero. I didn’t hear what happened, but when I saw Hero run back to his house on the verge of tears with Kel not to far behind him and Sunny’s parents rushing back into the house, I knew that something was horribly wrong. When Basil told me Mari used the jump rope to hang herself on a tree in the backyard while crying his eyes out, it felt like something inside me was close to breaking. I attended the funeral a few days later, everyone in Faraway did, except Sunny’s dad, who’s gone missing, my dad, who walked out on my mom and I a day after Mari passed away, my mom who... I just don’t want to think about, and Sunny, who locked himself away from the world.
I thought that Sunny would’ve left his house by now, but he hasn’t. Everyone in our friend group seems to have drifted apart too... I-I need to see Sunny. We’re dating after all, the least I should do is be there for him.
After school wrapped up, I headed to Sunny’s home. After knocking, I waited for his mom to answer.
“Ah, Aubrey, it’s good to see you. Did you come to see Sunny.”
“Yes misse-, uh, miss, Sunny hasn’t been been coming to school, a-and I wanted to see him.”
“Well, if his own mother couldn’t get him out of his room, maybe his girlfriend could.”
How does she know about that?! My face is burning red hot.
“Oh right, I read Sunny’s journal, I’m glad he found a girl he loves. Anyway, he’s in his room right now.”
I ran upstairs and barged into Sunny’s room. He looked at me as he sat motionless on his bed, his eyes were sunken in and his body malnourished. I could barely control myself any longer, I threw myself at him and wrapped my arms around him. I started crying and I couldn’t stop even if I wanted too.
“S-Sunn-n-ny, I-I, I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you. I-I just want to stay here with you for now, so please just don’t leave me!”
Some color began returning to Sunny’s eyes and he hugged me back. We simply stayed like that for what felt like hours, talking about our fears, pain, our family problems, and all that’s happened over the last month.
3 Weeks Later
Sunny’s been making a bit of progress. Everyday he slowly opened up more and more, starting conversations and all. He’s finally been able to leave his house and he’s planning on returning to school soon. I’m currently on my way to his room right now for our daily talk.
“Hi Sunny, how’s everything?”
“Ah, Aubrey, I just finished catching up wi-“
Sunny looked scared, stressed out even. Huh, I wonder why.
“Sunny are y-“
“Your arm.”
My arm? I look at it and- oh. Oh no, nonononono. He saw it, a bruise that mom left on me, a big one. After dad left, she usually treats me like I don’t exist, and when she actually notices me...
“Sunny, I know it looks bad but mom-“
Sunny got up before I could finish speaking, grabbed my hand, and ran down stairs to talk to his mom. The whole time on the down he was mumbling “I don’t want to lose someone else.” to himself over and over.
“Mom, we need to call the cops now!”
“Sunny, what’s wrong sweetie, what ever it is I- Oh-oh my god...”
Sunny’s mom looked shocked and Sunny, I’ve never seen him this angry before, yet in his eyes were desperation.
“Dad’s gone missing, Mari’s dead, I don’t want more people I love. Aubrey’s being hit by her mom, please get someone to just see what’s going on at her place!”
3 Months Later
Current POV: Sunny
My mom, Kel and Hero’s parents, Basil’s Family, and some of the parents of Aubrey’s friends at school were able to get some money together have Aubrey’s home be investigated, turns out it’s not in a very good condition. Further investigations found signs of neglect and more proof of abuse aside from the bruise on her arm. After a whole mess of court stuff I don’t understand, Aubrey’s mother lost custody of Aubrey and she’s currently living with me. I-I just want her to be safe and happy, that’s what a good boyfriend has to do, right?
After Aubrey moved in with mom and I and realized she was getting abused, she cried, as if all the stress she bottled up just finally got released all at once. But once that was over, it felt like her happiness was more radiant than ever. I’m going to make sure nothing hurts her anymore, so she can be happy...
4 Years Later
Current POV: ???
submitted by TheArkhomDestroyer to OMORI [link] [comments]

I love this game.

Specifically the end half of the game, as Kanji and Rise’s dungeons had me playing in constant fear of someone walking into my room, which ended up as a bad experience for me. Once Naoto’s dungeon began, things took a turn for the better for me. The music was no longer as intense as Rise’s dungeon, the aesthetics looked nice, and I no longer had to hover my fingers over alt+F4! I enjoyed this dungeon a lot, and over time I had grown to love all the characters in the game, except for Teddie.
After that, I got to my favorite dungeon in the game, Heaven. Nanako, your precious little sister figure, has been kidnapped, and your father figure Dojima is hospitalized as well. This put a lot more stakes on the line than all of the other dungeons that revolved around people you had only just met recently. You’ve grown to love Nanako and Dojima throughout the whole game, which is why I became a lot more invested. So much more invested that I beat the dungeon in a single day, voluntarily. I never did that before in this game, or Persona 5. This dungeon is truly fantastic, for its music and visuals too! Heaven is my favorite dungeon track in the game by far!
It’s also in this dungeon where you hit a very depressing point, as Dojima nor Nanako are home to greet you after school. It’s empty, and the new music reflects that. It truly reminds you of what’s at stake, and gets that across beautifully. Then Teddie shows up to fill the void. At first, I thought “Oh great, not this guy.” All he had been involved in so far were silly antics, one of which involving Nanako herself. But this period while he’s living with you allows you to give him a second chance. Every time he came home with groceries, my heart opened up to him a little. Finally, you catch a cold. Teddie is there to help you, and he does so as best he can. I finally realized how much Teddie truly cares for his friends, and he became a much more bear-able character afterwards.
This game also does a great job of making you feel. After completing Nanako’s dungeon, she dies. This leads to a series of events and dialogue that really tug at the heartstrings. The voice actors all perform wonderfully, and they really succeed in making you want to cry. I didn’t though. Totally not. No way. In all seriousness, if you don’t know the series of questions you’re asked afterwards affects the story, it’s heartbreaking to see the game end with Nanako dead. I didn’t realize this until I watched some Youtube videos that spoiled me of the true ending.
When you eventually complete the game with the True ending, you get to hear Nevermore. It’s here you reflect on the bonds you made throughout the game. The fight you had with your bro, Yosuke. The training you did with Chie. The support you gave to your friend, Kou. The romantic scenes you had with your girlfriend, whoever that may be. This game gave me friends that felt real, in a time where they were appreciated. Seriously, the writing for this game’s dialogue makes the characters seems like real people you’re bonding with.
In conclusion, this post I made to farm karma on my cake day gave me a chance to reflect on one of my favorite games of the year. It’s fantastic. I can’t wait until I get the chance to replay Persona 5 in the Royal version, or play Persona 3 on Steam. Persona games are amazing.
submitted by Tman2240 to persona4golden [link] [comments]

Phone Buying Guide for Pokemon Go (2020)

tl;dr: The best value mid-range phones in 2020 are as follows. Retail prices noted in local currency.



With the 2020 holiday shopping season about to head into its peak and the big Go Beyond update coming to Pokemon Go, I thought it might be a good idea to share what I've learned from phone shopping this year. Additionally, the latest 0.193 update officially ends support for iOS 11 and Android 5, so there may be people looking for replacement phones.
This post was inspired by a couple of great submissions made in 2017 and 2018. I am not the original author of those posts, nor am I particularly well-versed on the latest tech, but I'll try my best here. Also, full disclosure: I have not played around with any of these devices, and everything discussed here comes from viewing phone specs, "professional" review articles/videos, and my own personal interpretations.
Here's how the post is organized:
All prices listed in this post are the base model starting retail prices in the indicated currency, usually U.S. Dollar (USD), sometimes Pound Sterling (GBP) or Euro (EUR), as viewed from someone in the U.S. (included links might not always work outside the U.S.). Many phones will likely go on sale over the next few days/weeks, so keep that in mind when shopping. I've also explicitly included the country of origin for each company, as that can sometimes have an impact on the compatibility of the phones in certain other countries' networks (cough cough Verizon).

Considerations for Playing Pokemon Go

Battery: For many players, this is probably the most important factor when playing the game. A good battery means you can get through a full Community Day without needing to bring a power bank with you. Capacity is given in units of milliamp-hours (mAh), and the average value for a modern phone is about 3000-4000 mAh. That mAh number isn't everything, though, as screen specs and power drawing from other hardware components can affect how long a full charge lasts.
RAM: A phone's random access memory (RAM) is the amount of local memory that a phone can quickly work with. This is what dictates how many active apps you can have open at once (i.e. when you need to reload an app when switching between Pokemon Go and Discord/Telegram/WhatsApp/Messengeetc.). I highly recommend a minimum of 4GB of RAM for an Android phone, as the operating system (OS) can sometimes take up to 1.5 GB on its own.
Processor: All phones use a system on a chip (SoC) that roughly determines how well it runs apps/processes/tasks. Most Android phones use Qualcomm Snapdragon SoCs, which are separated by overall performace tier (600 and lower for budget, 700 for mid-range, 800 for flagship), generation, and incremental upgrades. For playing Pokemon Go, you should really go for a Snapdragon 600 series at the very least.
Non-considerations: This post is about picking a phone to play Pokemon Go. Thus, I've left out regularly discussing phone aspects that don't matter as much for gameplay such as cameras, charging speeds, 5G compatibility, and extra special features, though I might have one-off mentions if they help define a model. I occasionally mention display refresh rates, but it's not comprehensive. If any of these features are important for you when picking a phone, be sure to do your own research before buying!
An Example: I've used a 2017 Motorola Z2 Play with 3000 mAh battery, 3GB RAM, and a Snapdragon 626 for the past 2.5 years playing heavily (current Trainer stats: 136 million XP, 163,000 Pokemon caught, no Go+). Over roughly the same time, my girlfriend has used a 2017 Google Pixel 2 with 2700 mAh battery, 4GB RAM, and a Snapdragon 835 chip to play. Before we got these phones, we had used an iPhone 5s and 5, respectively, to play since launch.
During pre-pandemic 3 hour Community Days, I could comfortably play the whole time on a single full phone charge while my girlfriend would need to plug in around the last hour; the increased battery capacity and lower-end chip meant that my Z2 Play would last longer than her Pixel 2. However, my Z2 Play (purchased for about $380) is still waiting around for a promised Android 9 update but now also has MAJOR RAM issues; so much so that Pokemon Go frequently crashes presumably due to the system running out of RAM. Meanwhile, her Pixel 2 (purchased for about $800) is still going strong on Android 10 and can easily last another year or two even with the last device software update coming in December 2020.
Feel free to keep this example and the previous considerations in mind as we go through each major phone brand alphabetically below.


Apple is an American company that's no longer "just" a luxury brand. It now sells a wide range of phones, including some budget-friendly options. There's nearly an iPhone at every hundred-dollar increment from $399 to $1099 (in the U.S.; prices can be considerably higher in other countries).
Performance-wise, iOS offers probably the smoothest Pokemon Go experience. Thanks to Apple's vertical integration, all parts of an iPhone (OS, software, hardware) are optimized for one another, allowing iPhones to have great performance even when their raw numbers don't look so impressive. Thus, it's not always useful to compare iPhone spec numbers to those of Android phones. Apple also offers the longest software support period for their devices from any phone maker (around 5 years!), so you'll continue to get OS and security updates for quite a while.
One important note is that when you buy an Apple device, you're buying into the Apple ecosystem. They want to force you to only use their devices by making interfacing with Apple products easy and with other devices sometimes near impossible. Keep that in mind before you jump in!
This year's highlights include:
  • iPhone 12 Pro Max ($1099) - This year's top of the line iPhone model. It has a larger battery (3687 mAh), bigger screen, and better camera features than any of the other iPhone 12 models. Though it only has 6GB of RAM, Apple is able to make that go a long way. Go for this if you want the latest and greatest iPhone device, but check out the other iPhone 12 models if you want to shave off a few hundred dollars for pretty much the same experience (mostly losing camera features).
  • iPhone SE (2020) ($399) - If you want that smooth iOS Pokemon Go experience but don't want to break the bank, this is the choice for you. It's the cheapest iPhone Apple's ever released, yet has the same chip as last year's iPhone 11. The SE has a seemingly tiny 3GB of RAM, but again, Apple is able to stretch that out. The biggest downside, however, is that its battery capacity is low (1821 mAh - the smallest of all phones in this post), so you'll definitely have to bring a portable charger to make it through a full Community Day. Some reviewers go as far as to recommend the iPhone 11 as the "cheap iPhone option" instead because of the anemic battery on the SE.


Typically more known as a computer manufacturer, Asus is a Taiwanese company with a few entries in the phone market. In certain countries, however, they lack a traditional storefront (physical or even online), meaning that in order to buy their phones, you have to go through a third party seller.
Here's a model that really stuck out:
  • ROG Phone 3 ($999) - A phone that's specifically designed for gaming. Like, competitive first-person shooter gaming. With a 6000 mAh battery (the biggest of all the phones in this post), minimum 12GB RAM, Snapdragon 865+, and a flurry of other features, this phone is overkill if your primary purpose is playing Pokemon Go. In the U.S., it appears to be mostly compatible with AT&T and T-Mobile networks, but not Verizon.


Rather than continuing to creep into the high-end market, Google's Pixel phones are cementing themselves as decisively mid-range. As the maker of the Android OS, Google is an American tech giant able to optimize their phones for a smooth experience similar to Apple with iOS, but to a slightly lesser extent. They offer 3 years of guaranteed OS and security updates, which is above average for Android phones.
The best feature you get for the money is the camera. Pixel phones have a legendary camera for their price, which is nice, but not super relevant for Pokemon Go. Overall, however, they're solid products that run apps very well.
This year's highlights include:
  • Pixel 5 ($699) - Very respectable specs (4000 mAh battery, 8GB RAM, Snapdragon 765G) for the price of an upper mid-range phone. They're not spectacular, however, as its chipset in particular isn't the higher-end Snapdragon 865. But most users probably won't notice the loss in sheer, raw power.
  • Pixel 4a ($349) - One of the two phones topping the lists of best budget phone of 2020, the Pixel 4a is even cheaper than its main competitors. Its internals are very clearly a step down (3140 mAh, 6GB RAM, Snapdragon 730G) from the Pixel 5, but should still be more than enough for any Trainer, especially at this price point. Oh, and it has a headphone jack!


A Taiwanese company that once led innovation in the smartphone market. Heck they were the first ones to make Android phones! They've steadily been declining over the past decade, and have mostly shifted their focus to VR hardware. One other notable fact is that HTC played a big role in helping Google create their first Pixel phones.
Today, HTC does still make phones, but they're typically hard to find. None are officially being sold in the U.S., so you'd have to go through third-party sellers. The phones they have are usually mid-range, but I haven't seen any favorable tech reviews, so I'll just move on.


This Chinese maker is one of the top phone sellers in the world, trading blows with Samsung and Apple. There was some recent controversy with this company over certain U.S. policy decisions that affected sales, though it remains to be seen whether that will continue in the future. Until there's a resolution, I can't exactly recommend any Huawei phones to a Western audience (plus tech reviewers don't always cover them).


Another company that's better known for making computers. This Chinese brand actually owns Motorola (in fact, they tell you to just buy a Motorola phone if you're in the U.S.), but also has a few models that carry the Lenovo name. As far as I can tell, none of these Lenovo phones are specifically available in the U.S., though there are international unlocked versions out there.
Here's one that's worth pointing out:
  • Legion Duel ($1049) - A very similar gaming phone to the Asus ROG Phone 3. The biggest trade-off is a smaller battery capacity (5000 mAh), though it charges faster. Definitely overkill for playing Pokemon Go, but if you have other mobile gaming aspirations and want a fast charging phone, then consider this one.


LG is a South Korean electronics company that has declined a bit in terms of phone market share, but still offers some innovative choices. These days, their phones aren't highly ranked in reviews, but there's still one entry that I thought was worth mentioning.
  • V60 ThinQ/Dual Screen ($799 to $949) - Do you want (the option of using) two full-sized screens? If so, then this might be the phone for you. With a 5000 mAh battery, 8 GB RAM, and a Snapdragon 865 chip, it's got the specs to power everything you want to do on those dual screens. The price that you'll have to pay for this phone varies based on your network carrier in the U.S., so don't get too attached until you do your homework.


Once a huge name in cell phone sales, Motorola is an American company that has declined throughout the smartphone era. However, it continues to make decent phones, some of which have been highly praised. Most of its offerings are budget phones, with many different options to choose from, so this is definitely a maker that you should consider if you're on a tight budget and live in the U.S.
A relatively inconsequential but beloved feature of Motorola phones are the Moto actions. If you've ever used a Motorola phone, you'll know - chop your phone in midair to activate the flashlight, twist your phone along its long axis to open up the camera, etc. Small detail, but a lot of fun to play with.
Here are a couple of options from this maker:
  • Moto Edge+ ($999) - Motorola's first flagship phone in a few years, and it's a Verizon exclusive. 5000 mAh battery, 12GB RAM, Snapdragon 865, and a 90 Hz refresh rate make for an impressive device. Some downsides, though: lots of bloatware, not great vibration motor, bad fingerprint reader, and a screen that curves over the edges.
  • Moto G Power ($249) - If you're in the U.S. and need something cheaper than a mid-range phone, consider the Moto G Power. With 5000 mAh battery, 4GB RAM, and a Snapdragon 655, this should suffice for your PoGo needs. Its claim to fame is definitely that battery, as the RAM and SoC aren't too impressive. It's compatible with most major U.S. carriers and you should be able to grab it with some discount. Also, I wouldn't recommend any Android phones with lower RAM or chip specs than this if you want to play Pokemon Go on it for more than a year.


Nokia used to rule the world in phone sales, but now this company from Finland is just another (small) fish in the sea. Late in adapting to the smartphone revolution, Nokia is trying to make up for lost time by offering its own selection of Android phones. Unfortunately, none of their phones top any "best phone of 2020" lists, so I won't be calling out any specific models here. If you're in the market for truly budget phones in the U.S., however, Nokia (like Motorola) might be a good brand to look into. Just make sure the specs are good enough to sustain Pokemon Go in the long run.


This up-and-coming Chinese phone maker got its start making "flagship-killer" phones that packed in a ton of features while charging less than top makers. The specs in OnePlus phones are awesome for the price that you pay. You also get Oxygen OS, which is a reskinned Android OS for OnePlus that is sleek and often praised by reviewers.
There are some notable potential obstacles in buying a OnePlus phone in the U.S., however. Some highly-praised models simply aren't released in the U.S., while others have support with only some networks (mostly T-Mobile, OnePlus's official U.S. partner). If you do manage to make it work, however, you'll soon find out exactly why tech reviewers absolutely love OnePlus.
This year's highlights include:
  • OnePlus 8T ($749) - If you want all of the flagship features at a price that just barely puts it into the high-end category, the OnePlus 8T is the way to go. With 4500 mAh battery, 12GB RAM, Snapdragon 865, 120 Hz refresh rate, and warp charging, it's got great specs at an unbelievable price (to demonstrate, sneak a peek at the Samsung Note 20 Ultra!).
  • OnePlus Nord (£379) - This is the phone that I wish I could have bought. It's the other phone (besides the Google Pixel 4a) that tops the lists of best budget phones of 2020. 4115 mAh battery, 8GB RAM, Snapdragon 765G. It has the specs of a Google Pixel 5 for hundreds less (£379 GBP = $505 USD vs. Pixel 5's $699 USD). You also get a 90 Hz refresh rate for smoother animations. The downside? It's not sold in the U.S., and it's missing support for a few frequency bands that U.S. carriers use for their networks, so it probably won't work super well even if you do import one (especially on Verizon). There are pared-down Nord variants coming to the U.S. in the near future, but it's just not the same.
  • OnePlus 7T T-Mobile version ($349) - If you really wanted the Nord, are stuck in the U.S., but are a T-Mobile customer, you might be in luck! With 3800 mAh battery, 8GB RAM, and a Snapdragon 855+ (compared to the 765G on the Nord, the 855+ is last year's model, but for a higher class of phones), you get roughly the same specs as the Nord for an even lower price! But again, it's only for T-Mobile customers.


One of the largest phone makers in the world, thanks to its huge success in its home country of China. Most of its models aren't readily available in the west, and one of its most critically acclaimed phones, the Oppo Find X2 Pro, was undercut by the OnePlus 8T by hundreds of dollars. Oppo has some good budget and mid-range options, but apparently they're exceptionally hard to find outside of China or India, so I won't highlight any here.


Samsung is a giant in the world of smartphone sales, often topping the list of most phones sold. The South Korean company offers a plethora of different phone models, and I can't pretend to comprehend how many different models they sell.
A strange quirk is that the internal SoC in some models differs based on which region you buy from. Samsung is able to make their own chips, the Exynos brand, for less but performance sometimes lags behind that of the more common Qualcomm Snapdragon.
This year's highlights include:
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra ($1299) - Considered the best of the best, this is the phone that has all of the top features put together. 4500 mAh battery, 12GB RAM, Snapdragon 865+ (Americas, East Asia), 120 Hz refresh rate, and warp and wireless charging. This is the phone with that fancy pen stylus, whose latency has apparently been vastly improved. The battery life is supposedly boosted by the adaptive refresh rate of the phone, which will be lowered when apps don't need higher rates. But... just look at that price! I cri.
  • Samsung Galaxy S20 FE ($699) - Priced as an upper mid-range phone, this one delivers one of the best values at this price point. A 4500 mAh battery, 6GB RAM, and a Snapdragon 865 chip makes this a very competitive phone. If you're able to get it on sale, that's even better! The main issue, however, is that even when discounted, it's still a bit expensive for people on a tight phone budget. But at least it's more widely available than similarly spec'd Xiaomi phones.
  • Samsung Galaxy A51 ($399) - This is Samsung's most relevant competitor to the best value mid-range phones. It has a 4000 mAh battery, 4GB RAM, and an Exynos 9611 chip, which is comparable in specs, though you may want to consider getting more RAM. Overall, it's a good phone, but it doesn't outshine its mid-range competitors like the Pixel 4a or Nord by offering a better price or better specs.


People might be surprised to hear that this massive Japanese tech conglomerate that's responsible for the Playstation and hundreds of consumer electronics also makes phones. Sony phones make up an almost invisible market share of phones sold, but according to tech enthusiasts, the phones are great thanks to the unconventional features that they include.
Here's probably their the best model this year:
  • Xperia 5 ii ($949) - Sony's Xperia series has a few tricks up their sleeves. On paper, the phone looks alright: 4000 mAh battery, 8GB RAM, Snapdragon 865 chip, 120 Hz refresh rate. But the first thing people will notice is that this phone has a wonky aspect ratio - it's much, much taller than it is wide. It does this to be a more comfortable one-handed device, as well as achieving a more cinematic aspect ratio in landscape mode. You also get manual-level camera controls directly imported from Sony's professional camera lineup. Oh, and you get a 3.5 mm headphone jack, which is nearly impossible to find on phones at this price point.


Another Chinese phone maker whose products are mostly locked to mainland China, as far as I can tell. I haven't seen any specific models raved about by reviewers, so I'll again move on.


Another huge player in the market of phone sales, this Chinese company has been excelling in the developing markets of China and India. Western consumers are also starting to notice what this maker has to offer, both at the low and high end. However, U.S. consumers will likely be unable to use these phones to the full potential, as many of Xiaomi's huge suite of phones aren't fully supported in the U.S.
Nevertheless, here are a few models that really stand out:
  • Xiaomi Mi 10 ($649) - On paper, you get a lot more than you'd expect from this phone based on its price. A 4780 mAh battery, 8GB RAM, and a Snapdragon 865 gives it flagship-level specs at a upper mid-range price. However, you might have trouble finding a place to buy it, and it might not work with certain networks (definitely not on Verizon in the U.S.). You may also want to consider the Xiaomi Poco F2, which only has 6GB RAM, but can be found for even cheaper in certain markets.
  • Black Shark 3 Pro ($899) - Xiaomi's gaming phone entry that has a very unique look. It has physical shoulder buttons that pop up when gaming in landscape orientation and liquid cooling(!). 5000 mAh battery, Snapdragon 865, 12GB of RAM, and a 90 Hz refresh rate all give it top-notch specs. But again, good luck getting it to work if you're in the U.S.
  • Poco X3 (£199) - On paper, this phone's stats do not match its asking price. 5160 mAh battery, 6GB RAM, Snapdragon 732G, and 120 Hz refresh rate all starting at £199 GBP/€229 EU$250 USD. It's the best ultra affordable phone in 2020, but has some caveats. It's not fully compatible with U.S. networks and has ads built right into the OS (though I hear there is a way to disable this). If you can deal with these, then check this bad boy out.


There's a myriad of options when buying a phone these days. Here, I've gone over some notable current examples from many of the major phone brands globally, but this is by no means a comprehensive treatment. In fact, this post is heavily biased towards the U.S. (this is Reddit, after all).
In my opinion, mid-range phones offer the best value for your money when buying a brand new phone. Budget options (under $200) really aren't suited for playing Pokemon Go for an appreciable amount of time, and you'll get more frequent slowdowns and crashes with each new game update. On the flip side, the specs on flagship phones are overkill for a game like PoGo and the huge price tags are daunting. You could always buy a flagship from a year or two ago for a deep discount (in fact, this is what many people recommend instead of buying a new, mid-range phone model), but you'll get that many years fewer in guaranteed OS and security updates.
Doing the research for this post has given me some interesting insight into phones, brands, and networks. There's often some amazing choices out there that you've never heard about simply because it's not marketed in your country. Also, Verizon may be America's #1 network, but it absolutely sucks if you like a phone that isn't made by an American, European, or South Korean company.
Lastly, to revisit my earlier example, I ended up purchasing a Google Pixel 4a for myself a few days ago to replace my Moto Z2 Play. I'm really looking forward to it and absolutely cannot wait to go catching and grind towards level 50 on my new device!
I hope this post has been helpful!


  • Budget/Mid-range/Flagship - These are the main smartphone categories that describe price and performance. Roughly speaking, a budget phone is anything under $300 USD, a mid-range is between $300 and $700, and a flagship (or high-end) is anything over $700. Flagship phones are the devices that makers cram all of the best features into.
  • Display Refresh Rate - The rate at which the screen updates - think frames-per-second. A higher number means a seemingly smoother animation. Most people won't notice a difference, but tech enthusiasts love higher rates. 60 Hz is typical, 90 Hz is the next step up, and some go as high as 120 Hz or 144 Hz.
  • SoC (System on a chip) - The primary processor that ties many of the components (CPU, graphics, GPS) of a smartphone together. Most Android phones use a Snapdragon SoC, while a few makers like Samsung, Huawei, and Apple create their own. There are different tiers and generations, and is often the primary indication for the performance of a phone.
  • RAM (random access memory) - The local memory that a phone can quickly work with. This is what dictates how many active apps you can have open at once (i.e. what determines whether you need to reload apps when switching between Pokemon Go and Discord/Telegram/WhatsApp/Messengeetc.).
  • milliamp-hour - Typical units for battery capacity. Literally, it represents how much current can be drawn from the battery per hour and technically simplifies to units of charge (Amp = Coulombs/Sec
  • Trade-in - A business practice where you basically sell a retailer your old phone in order to get a discount on their product. Your trade-in doesn't need to be from the same maker, they'll take it regardless. The amount of cash you'll get in return is directly tied to the model and condition of your old phone; most old phones won't award any money, but it's more environmentally friendly than throwing it in the trash.
  • 5G - The new, 5th generation standard in cellular data networking. It's an upgrade to 4G LTE, promising faster speeds, but the infrastructure isn't quite there yet. Many phone brands are coming out with 5G-compatible phones, but it's not really worth it yet, as 5G is incredibly short-range and there aren't enough receivers even in major cities.
P.S. For some reason, I'm not able to find/select the [Gear] flair for this post. Halp.
submitted by astrojling to TheSilphRoad [link] [comments]

I acted like a completely different person for 3 weeks of my life, possibly ruining the best thing that happened to me.

TLDR My boyfriend (19M) asked for some time which I (18F) completely understand. I would just like some raw opinions about our situation. (He has also made a Reddit post about part of our situation)I promise this will be worth the read there is so much to say about our relationship and I would really appreciate your opinions!
Disclaimer: in this post I talk a lot of the negatives of our relationship purely because I want readers to understand them. At this point in our relationship I feel that the positives BY FAR outweigh the negatives I just felt like I needed to say that.
He is my best friend, he knows the most out of anyone in the world about me and we’ve been through a significant part (in my opinion) of our mental (teenager to young adult) growth together (if that makes sense - I think these have been really formative years for us). My boyfriend and I have been together since I was 15 and he was 16. So 3 years. I broke up with him in early October because of several problems in our relationship (just want to make it clear I absolutely did not want to be with him because I took him as he was, but I know the man he can be and who he sometimes was and that’s what I’m so in love with) : * felt extremely neglected at times not in terms of attention from him but I felt that he was being extremely complacent and not really making an effort to act like he was still trying to get me. Sometimes from attention, I feel like a gm and gn and a call once in a while is not much to ask for considering we are best friends and I felt rlly shit bc of this too but this problem was fixed * he got himself banned from my parents house because of repetitive unsociable behavior around them. (The last straw for them was when it was my last real night at home before going to university and I invited him over because he’s obviously important to my life. When he gets here he tells me he has a headache which is fine and we go upstairs. He knows in my house that we have dinner all together and obviously he knows it’s my last night so it’s going to be a bit more special but he acted like I completely blindsided him when this is completely norma for when he comes over. I tell him we’re gonna have a drink before we eat so let’s go downstairs and say cheers w everyone and he just absolutely refuses to come downstairs because of his headache ( this has happened multiple times - sometimes because he wants to play a video game, because he wants to stay in my room literally the stupidest reasons) in my family it is extremely rude to do this (especially as someone who wants to be accepted by my family), and he knows this because I’ve told him. So I leave him upstairs and kinda have tears in my eyes like won’t he celebrate w me that I’m going to university this is a big step??? When my mum sees me she asks is he not coming downstairs I said no he will in a bit and then we are putting everything on the table during this time I’ve also texted him to please come. I go upstairs again and ask him to please come this is important to me and this doesn’t look good in front of my family at all. He eventually comes down and comes with all of us only for him to go back upstairs to grab a jumper (understandably that’s fine Bc it’s cold) he does so very slowly. Then when he comes back down again he asks if anyone wants water (because he doesn’t really drink) and everyone says no because we’ve just opened a bottle to say cheers. He proceeds to fill up a whole pitcher of water and then serve himself a glass and come now comes to the table and we all cheers. My parents don’t say anything because they never have at his behavior they’re really not the type I feel like they’re awkward around him but always quite nice and polite. But to me they are clearly bothered and quite annoyed which I thought anyone could have picked up on but he didn’t which is fine I guess. Then we all move onto have dinner and we’re having homemade burgers he says oh I want to make mayonnaise for it when we’re literally just about to sit down to eat and I said no I said please don’t please stop and he continues to do it my mum makes a few remarks to him but she doesn’t explicitly say no but these are still obvious signs that she’s basically saying no and she’s uncomfortable. He still goes and makes the mayonnaise from scratch while everyone starts to eat. I tried to do things like look for condiments in the fridge and microwave stuff and put salad in my burger to make it look like he’s not taking that long so we can kind of all eat together. We have had to reheat the burgers in the oven because I waited for him. We have a nice dinner and then when we go upstairs I can’t really remember the rest in much detail but I cried and we talked about it and I believe my mum heard and I’m not sure. And when she talks to me alone she says I’m not sure he should have come tonight I think it should have just been us 4 (dad,mum,me,sister). (She told me on my way to university that her and my dad no longer want him in the house I can see him and do what I like but he’s no longer aloud at home they think they have dealt with his behavior for too long - which I’m obviously sad about but quite honestly after everything I’m not surprised and I don’t object because they have every right) I told him every single time he came to my house every time he was around them, literally all the time ,about his behavior but he just wouldn’t notice what he was doing wrong. He acted like a completely different person around them I couldn’t even recognize him and he didn’t see this. He is so amazing and kind and gentle with me and for the most part he respects and listens to me and doesn’t talk to me condescendingly but in front of other people even his parents sometimes he’s completely different. He’s always either extremely slow and not very sociable or very hyper and excited and talkative it’s like he can’t control it and can’t just do small talk, he goes on and on about little things he’s passionate about which is great but it’s literally a whole monologue and he doesn’t let others speak. It pains me most because he is so lovely to me but bringing him around other people makes it look like I’m not being treated as I should which I hate. Which is just so weird to me. I understand that he didn’t mean to which is why I’ve always been so patient about it but it’s made me cry so many and infront of him too. My family speak French so I understand how this could have been difficult for him but in my opinion anyone with immigrant parents who speak a different language would understand... most of my friends are and would understand this culturally and I feel like he’s had to learn that it’s different for our family which is fine but he doesn’t really respect it. I understand it’s maybe rlly hard to be around us when you’ve always experienced everyone around you speaking English he’s never been to someone’s house where they speak multiple languages, but I thought he would be more respectful about it. My family have tried really hard to always speak English when he is around so about 70% of the time we spoke English around him but it improved a lot during the course of our relationship I would say. He made fun of their accents in front of them so many times when I’ve asked him to stop or they’ve even told him to stop and would also make French jokes. He made fun of my mums upbringing as she grew up in Brazil and moved to France very late (she doesn’t actually have a French accent it’s Brazilian but he can’t seem to tell even though I’ve said it). And this is the thing I don’t get, before you think he’s a white English man, he’s acctually Jamaican but both his parents grew up here and his grandparents live in London too, so all “British”. Which is why I struggle so much, I understand his whole upbringing has only been English but his parents are lovely people and they are so cultured - not just their culture but I mean in general, how can he be SO obtuse when it comes to our cultural differences? I literally stay up at night thinking about it. He would also make a lot of pop culture references which apply more to our generation or stuff that they just wouldn’t know because of their background and it made conversations very awkward like I would never ever in my life behave like this with his parents absolutely never, I can’t even imagine it. He would laugh obnoxiously like not his normal beautiful laugh which was just very uncomfortable and felt cocky to other people and would mostly talk about himself (I have gotten this remark from my parents friends). He also sneaks being on his phone at the dinner table and it’s not like he’s texting people, he’s playing video games, to my parents this is not something you do when you’re all having dinner together and especially when you’re my boyfriend. I was never allowed my phone at dinner and wouldn’t go on it I would literally have to beg him to stop and he thought it was funny. There are other examples of all this stuff but I can’t remember and I think the list is getting too long, I feel bad I truly do believe he doesn’t do it on purpose in the moment but it’s all a bit ridiculous. * He has broken me so many times in little ways that it’s just built up so much I’m over the actual stuff he did but it’s the fact that everytime it breaks me a little more. * He never makes plans w me (obviously different because of covid but even with that) we used to go on dates and read excited to bring me somewhere or do stuff for me and I love doing the same. The dates aren’t an issue for me it’s mainly like he will always want to come over to mine or me to come to his so last minute like come tonight or come tomorrow. It’s like he believes I have no plan or no life. Most of the time I do come because I want to see him so much and I can rearrange my stuff but I just think it’s rude to do it 100% of the time which he does he said he would make more of an effort but from what I can see he hasn’t. * I’m general he’s always picking at me, everything I do * There’s other stuff but I digress there’s a lot of situations where I’ve had to take so much time to get over and cried so much because he doesn’t realize what he’s doing when he’s doing it and it’s just disrespectful to our relationship. We both are in agreement (which is shit but true) that I have never caused actual problems in our relationship and I just felt like so much stress was on me. I thought to be good he said perfect girlfriend but I get rlly shit situations thrown at me all the time. It had gotten a lot better I must add he rlly does love me and change his behaviors. * I felt that we needed time apart because he needed to mature and realize his actions affect people and I absolutely did not want to be here to teach him how to be a good person like I had done for 3 years I was just tired and sick and drained of that part of our relationship.
Our breakup story is the when I have been the most vile person on the planet I literally think that is a different person I can’t even see myself doing this I think I am disgusting because of what I’ve done i feel so shit that I’ve hurt him.
He has made his own Reddit post a couple months ago and I will add it into mine it will be in italics when it is his post. (I created this post in my notes and completely forgot that I can’t include screenshots between my paragraphs I hope it all still makes sense reading his post.
his post
As you can see he is SO MUCH BETTER than me at writing out his story! I will let his truth be his truth. Breaking up with him over text was such a shit thing to do especially to him who has dedicated 3 years of his life to me we are the most important people to each other he’s helped me through so much and I’m in disbelief that I treated him like this. I think I’m despicable. I don’t tell him this much because I don’t want to make excuses for my actions I’m a shitty person for this. I cried to my closest female friend about how I broke up with him multiple times over the course of 3 weeks, I genuinely couldn’t believe I had done it in such a horrible way I still can’t it was cowardly of me. When I look back at this whole situation I genuinely can’t believe my actions. When I read what he’s saying it’s like he’s talking about a different person I don’t recognize myself and I’m so disappointed in myself. I’m a kind person and I WAS SO GOOD TO HIM I can’t believe I switched like this. Worth mentioning when i broke up with him we talked on the phone briefly and I said if he wants to make an effort with me he can and I will absolutely be okay with going on a date with him that he has planned. He made it abundantly clear IN HIS OWN WORDS that if he can’t have me now he doesn’t want me at all. I was upset not because I wanted him but because our 3 year relationship we always said we would work for each other and stuff like that it was just sad but not in an I want you way but in a way where I thought this was the type of love that lasts forever. I took this as he understand completely that we are done. I shouldn’t have. Idk why because this is not like me at all but I moved hastily through this breakup I just did everything so quickly for no reason. I just was completely accepting that it was done.
This “none of them are funny enough” comment was meant to be interpreted as a joke and should absolutely not have been said considering our situation it was shit of me. I was not talking to anyone not even testing the water nothing, a guy would compliment my picture online or say hi from that picture and I would reply thankyou with a heart or just send a heart or say hi back and that was rlly the extent of the conversations I would have. After this comment tho I gave one person on Twitter my Snapchat account and one guy asked for my number in person so I gave it away. In the beginning of our relationship it’s true I literally couldn’t get a compliment out (Ik why bc I grew up w none of that it wasn’t normal to me it felt very cringe and I also couldn’t talk about emotions nothing - also he did a lot of things that made me cry made me feel v shit and complimenting him as much as he complimented me made me feel stupid but regardless I should do it) this boy literally taught me emotions are okay that I can love and he’s literally my baby and now I’m 100% okay w all that stuff I call him baby and say I love you to him in front of anyone and everyone but complimenting him has never been my strong suit he’s gorgeous and has a lot to compliment, it’s gotten a lot better i do it a lot more now BUT I SHOULD DO IT EVEN MORE his compliments to me are amazing and I want him to feel as special but I can’t get the words out. It makes me feel so bad considering his love language is literally words of affirmation. I have worked on it and it’s also been my goals in 2020 and now I’m 2021 to improve on this aspect of our relationship. He does however say that I still don’t compliment him that much which I get from his perspective. To be clear when I broke up w him he completely changed and said I’m not going to work for it, he did not want to put any effort into having me basically in my eyes if he wasn’t going to do that then that was the last straw I wasn’t going to beg and make him see what’s happening I took it as it was. We don’t want eachother or want to work for eachother so it’s done. I absolutely did not want to work on us because of this. We both were okay with being apart and thought it was a good decision. Note - he says I want to be intimate with another female (not sexually) immediately
When it comes to this girl, he understands it now but only once I explained it. This person has never been his friend, simply put from conversations I have read w an open mind no one would talk like that to someone with their best interest in mind as a friend.
The reason I was so upset about him messaging this girl is that in my head I was just in disbelief and thinking what if he’s been thinking about this girl all along and lying to me. Truly I was extremely upset but idk why i just thought I was the stupidest person on the earth, I felt worthless so dumb for forgiving him for so much stuff in our relationship and putting him first all the time when didn’t for me. We were on the same page about not being together but I just felt so stupid. To me it was like he didn’t respect our relationship, I wasn’t angry because of speaking to someone else I was angry because she had been a problem in our relationship, someone he previously knew and was the first person he couldn’t wait to message the second we broke up, I still feel so stupid about it. To put this into perspective again I’m 5’1 extremely small and it is despicable of me to be violent in any way this will absolutely never happen again in my life I’m truly disappointed in myself but in the moment I was just so stupid and I felt like my lungs had just dropped out my vagina idk... just to say he would have felt these punches but in no way did I want to hurt him Ik it doesn’t seem that way and that’s fine obviously it’s completely wrong but that just needs to be said this is not what I’m like at all.
This is separate to the topic but this is also a problem in our relationship - he never cried to me or actually shows emotion when he has a deep problem he just is plain faced and very matter of fact and seeing him like this actually showed me remorse and true emotion of what he was going through. I don’t know why it calmed down like that but idk it just felt right I knew we were broken up and that he only had me to talk to he can talk to me whenever he wanted to about anything no matter the situation that’s my baby no matter how mad I am if he truly is upset or mad he can come to me. I was still very upset but in my head I was like this is done anyways I don’t want an argument with him this is done I love him just not in the same way anymore. I forgot to say, most importantly in breaking up with I realized I had fallen out of love with him I loved him like a best friend someone who can always come to me but I wasn’t in love and I just felt sad and done but happy because I finally understood my feelings kind of idk it was a whole lot of weird emotions and thoughts. I did not go to party! I went to have an early dinner with 2 friends at a restaurant.
As he said thankyou if you’ve made it this far through this rollercoaster. After dinner with my friends I still did not want to be with him one night later he begs me to come out of my house and meet him I was there for him but I did not want to see him it was cold dark raining and we were broken up I don’t know what he could possibly want to do. I caved and met him he gave me a handwritten card it was beautiful like literally he wrote everything right he didn’t mention things that would hurt me in detail which he’s not usually that tactful about but this card was everything in my head when he gave it to me it solidified the fact that we can move on as friends and respect our relationship behind it. He gave me 2 packets of my some of my favourite sweets, not much to some people but to me i really loved it and I don’t know why in my head it didn’t click sooner that maybe this was us starting to date again but for me it truly wasn’t. When I got back home and deeped the card I was like this is him working for me we talked on the phone for a couple days this for me is when I started to see that I could maybe date him again. So we go on dates I stay at his we have sex and yes it was an amazing time I agree. What I don’t agree on is that in both our minds we were going strong. From this I had the intention of dating him but I needed consistency from him, without that I couldn’t truly see something coming from this.
I have made it clear to him that yes maybe I should have slept with other people before a serious relationship but who could have known! Before breaking up with him I no longer cared about any of that it was only something I was insecure about before because my younger self would have never imagined me experiencing my whole life with one boy but not for one second do I regret it. I did use that word with him one time but I don’t actually feel that sentiment it was in conversation I should have used such a large word for what I was describing. But it’s understandable that he clings onto that I get it I would too. So yes I did a horrible thing when he’s asked me if something had happened with someone else I lied. I said no. Truly I don’t know why it was stupid I was dumb I should’ve put him first. I SHOULD HAVE PUT HIM FIRST. I want to make it crystal clear that I did not know this person before we broke up. The day after we broke up my friend was going to a different city for two days to see her friends at their uni house she invited me and I said yes to get my mind off of everything. That night I met someone who also visited their house and we talked but it was not flirtatious it was also an open conversation with 5 other people there. The next night he came to the house again and everyone was watching movies eating food. At first there were people in the room then people left and went to a different one. I slept half way through the movie and this person was next to me on the bed the whole time. When the movie ended I woke up and he was still there kinda laughed at me because I slept and then he leaned in and kissed me and it took me a minute but kissed him back I’m not really sure why because I didn’t actually want to but I did because I guess I was “single” and that’s what “you should do” idk it was weird after 4-5 seconds I stopped it by pushing his chest away with the side of my fist (all that touched this whole time was the side of our arms and his hand on my side and my hand on his arm). After this I said I don’t want do this and I said if you expect anything you should leave now. He said no it’s kl and we basically ended up talking about our exes the whole night and then went to sleep very far apart on the bed. We both had full tracksuits on the whole night. The whole interaction was actually quite awkward I don’t really understand why he stayed but I only felt relief when I talked about my now again boyfriend. Which I didn’t realize till writing this. He left early in the morning I just said a short bye and I stayed in bed. Me and my friend left that day.
Obviously the right thing to do would have been to tell him immediately. I’m racking my brain to understand why I didn’t. Because when I’m trying to find a reason I don’t know it’s driving me crazy. The way he found out was ugly and it made for me to miscommunicate everything. I even went as far to say that me and the person kissed for 30 seconds and that’s absolutely not true it was just in the moment I said that to him because he wanted to know in detail what had happened, I should have taken my time. I had always planned to tell him in person and I’d even written it down roughly in my notes. But I realize that was still stupid and doesn’t matter I should have told him immediately it’s actually making my head hurt trying to figure out why I didn’t. To sympathize with myself I was not in love with him and it did make me act differently towards him but it shouldn’t have. I’m now in love with him again and I can’t comprehend how I could have done this to him. I would have never done this if I was. I have never been unfaithful to this man and would never dream of it now but I guess now it kind of means that I have I don’t know... I love him to bits.
This breakup was absolutely so he could work on himself and his behavior I couldn’t be there to teach him anymore. It was so unfair to me that he was so in love with my but couldn’t treat me how I should be and it made me fall out of love. We both have agreed the breakup needed to happen because he told me it woke him up he realized a lot when it happened. I get that the breakup needed to happen for us to want to improve our relationship. But I wish it didn’t have to I wish r had both been more mature and just came to each other with the truth of our relationship. Looking back it’s clear now that I can easily fall back in love with this man when he realized what he’d done.
He has berated me about this situation so many times now. We were going really well apart from arguing and talking about the things we need to work on if we want to be together in a really healthy relationship can’t be asked to go into detail anymore ect. I have been going through an extremely rough patch w my family. I had to get tested for an auto-immune disease and no one supported me through it except for him and that night I went to his for comfort dinner and a movie. That night he went through my phone and he screen recorded everything he did. He doesn’t really trust me anymore because I lied. On my phone he saw that I replied thankyou or hearts to guys who have complimented me I don’t check the history of the chat so sometimes it is repeated. He screen recorded conversations with my friends boys and girls and went through dms and stuff. Anyways I’m fine with it because he’s never been like this this is because of the context now. He said I don’t know how to trust you and rehashed the situation. He can’t know if I’m still telling the truth. What if I’m talking to other people. I get his concerns completely. He feels as though I’ve cheated on him because we broke up I kissed someone else and we kinda got back together shortly after that. I don’t admit this to him fully but I feel it is unfair that he’s not really taking into consideration that I’ve been the most faithful person for 3 years and after all his fuck ups I fall out of love, someone kisses me and I kiss them back. I lied to him which was out of character for me but now I keep feeling like he’s trying to catch me in a lie about everything, it’s like everything’s a trigger, I’m the same when I’m raw from a situation between us so I get it. I lied to him because I always planned to tell him by me coming to see him not him asking me a question and me blurting it out. If that’s makes any sense? I just wanted it to look like it truly came from me. Not it coming out only because he asked me. The way he found out was horrible. Everything I’ve done to him is shit. And looking back now I don’t get why I did that and why I thought like that honestly I’m looking at a different person. I should’ve said everything and kept my integrity I ruined it all. I wish I’d never done any of it.
But this is literally everything I’ve done wrong in the whole time we’ve been together. I’ve forgiven him for so much disrespect and untrustworthiness I kinda feel cheated. He has every right to be mad I absolutely do not mean to say everything should immediately be the same. When he explains it to me from his perspective I agree it sounds like cheating and you know what I was actually coming to think that he was fully right, but writing this I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I don’t want “cheating” to be a part of our story. I truly have messed up one of the best things to ever happen to me. He trusted me fully and I never actually knew that he’d never said that to me before I feel like an idiot. I ruined it all thinking I’d be left with a definite answer to what I wanted with him but I just feel pure confusion because I’ve tried not to relive this experience in my head it’s just pure guilt and regret. Now that I take the time to write down and go through each step again I can barely remember or even come to understand how I could have been so reckless and thoughtless. I’ve tried to come up with stuff like I’d never been reckless in 3years? but truly, I was happy not being reckless so why did I do any of this? I don’t know why I acted out like some little teenager I feel incredibly stupid. I’m rambling but also when I look back I feel like maybe I did want him even though I felt done it’s just so complicated to me because what I should have done is so easy but I chose to be stupid instead. I’ve handled so much disrespect in this relationship in different forms but we’ve grown from it. I know it’s not the same thing at all this is different completely. And do not at all want to sound insensitive, but that being my only fuck up and being completely trustworthy and faithful and “the perfect girlfriend” for those 3 years of our relationship I know we can come back from that I know he can trust me again. I know it will take so much from both sides but I truly think it’s worth it what we have is beautiful I just want us to work on it and fight for us. We have and hope we continue to. Ik I’ve explained mostly bad aspects of our relationship but this purely because I want people to understands those aspects, he loves me with all his heart, we have had a really amazing time together, growing learning everything. I can’t imagine doing it with anyone else. He’s all I think about and I think I’m truly back in love again but Ik it can’t go back on track immediately I get that. In my heart in my head in my everything I know we can make it back from everything that’s happened and be truly happy. I would just love some raw opinions about my situation in general.
( I hope this all still made sense as I made this post in my notes with screenshots of his post in between)
Thankyou to anyone who made it to the end I know it was hefty. Also my first Reddit post about myself so Im sorry about it being all over the place and generally quite bad it’s quite late for me and this took me hours. I’m sorry for rambling so much :(.
submitted by confusedandstupid_ to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

Wait? You can actually buy CHAD now. Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity. maybe.

Wait? You can actually buy CHAD now. Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity. maybe.
Hi Everyone,
We are here today to discuss CHAD, the man, the myth, the country! It's now time for all the Chads of reddit to join together in a possibly historic world event. Yes, even Chads girlfriend's husbands are welcome to join and become a part of Chad.
Okay so here is the deal for those who don't already know. Earth2.io is a website that is the beginning of what could be the next online strategy game. Earth 2 is being rolled out in phases, and is currently in Phase 1.
Phase 1 to put it bluntly is to acquire (buy, for us chads) land in "strategic" places all over the world. Now here is where it get's interesting and I know what you are thinking, that there is no way to make money here.
The other day the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada sold for $40,000 real dollars to a Chad who just had to have it. The previous buyer had acquired (bought) it for only $3K.
It's not too late to get your hands on some land in E2, but with so much land on the planet it's hard to know where to buy. That's exactly what I am here to tell you.
CHAD................... plain and simple, wife banging Chad.... the country!
There has been a lot of people buying in Chad recently, and people on discord have turned buying Chad into sort of a meme.... well ladies and gentlemen I present to you the proud work of the many CHAD'ians of Earth2....

Each tile of land represents where a player has purchased.
Exhibit B - If you weren't lucky enough to find the CHAD OASIS (like me) then you probably just did a search for Chad like any Chad would do and bought the first piece of land that you could see yourself plowing your best friend's wife on. And, thus a city was created.

Just type chad into the search and this is where it takes you.
Now most of you probably have no idea what I am talking about but that's just the kind of spirit we need from our fellow Chads right now. Find us on discord, or come to Earth2.io and join the CHADlands.
This game is in Phase 1 of development and there is still a lot that has yet to be discovered. Now I know this isn't a penny stock but this could very well be the next biggest investment that you make. It could also go TITS UP.
Happy CHADing everyone!
PS: If you are already playing E2 and own land in CHAD then please share your plot link in the comments.
submitted by love_money_guru to Chadtopia [link] [comments]

1. How to wake someone up when their phone is on silent android

how to wake someone up when their phone is on silent android Jun 27, 2019 · Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to track and find the exact location of your lost Android phone, perform a remote wipe of data, or ring it phone at full volume. It is also possible to program the silent mode on your Android. Waking up in light sleep is natural, gentle and it may only be compared to the experience of waking up without any alarm May 27, 2015 · Resetting your phone to its factory settings, whether Android or iPhone, will remove any spy software, but again be sure to back up your data such as contacts, photos and music or you will lose them. Step 2: Scroll down and find the option “More”. Now, messages containing your Priority Ringer Keyword will sound the alarm on your phone. Part One [Android]: Global Notifications settings: This menu allows you to change how Discord notifications affect your mobile device (waking up your phone, vibration, etc. No matter if you prefer tracking the stock market daily or tracking it to make adjustments every quarter, keeping an eye on your portfolio is smart for investors of all types. Check Announce Calls Setting Dec 30, 2020 · How to set up text message notification settings. So his advice to turn off your smartphone for a minimum of 30 minutes a day--preferably more--may seem LARK is a lot like a silent, vibrating Wakemate wristband aimed at couples who wake up at different times in the morning. I re-set up the voice mail box and it is working but the phone goes directly to it without ringing. When they call, you cringe and immediately hit the silent button. 1. more_vert. Nov 06, 2015 · If you use Messages on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, then you probably know how quickly you can become overrun with message notifications, especially if you’re part of a group message. Spy Motion Detector Dec 25, 2019 · For example, your phone could come with Android Pie out of the factory, even if that model has an update ready for Android 10, you'll have to download it after setting up. Yes, I do know they're out of the call but I also sleep in calls a bit (judge me if you wish) with them and rejoins later on in the night when I'm sleeping. Tap the button, and your phone should make a sound even if it's set to silent. How-tos, software, mobile apps and useful websites. Android 11 isn't the biggest update to the platform up to this point, but that's expected Tap a button and instantly find the right person to talk to. You only need couple of t Jul 22, 2019 · Create a loud noise that's obviously meant to wake them up. Just tap the text or microphone section to jump into action. Android's attachment menu got a makeover, giving media more real estate Pavlok Shock Clock Wake Up Trainer – Wearable Smart Alarm Clock biofeedback (zap sensation) to train your brain to be a "morning person". Enable All Notifications: If you have an iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch ($699. Silencing my phone always gives me mild anxiety; while my Android is muted, my girlfriend or boss may be trying to reach me with some urgent news or task. Another easy way to track someone’s WhatsApp location is to use the Command Prompt feature on your computer. Nov 05, 2020 · Changing the default app notification sounds can go a long way to help you in identifying the app from the notification sound itself without touching or looking at your Android phone. Price: Free / $2. You can’t get calls if you give the network the silent treatment. I Can’t Wake Up does what the title suggests. Nov 30, 2020 · Back in September, Google officially released the newest iteration of its Android mobile operating system. Once you have downloaded the app from the website, install it on the phone. Not everyone will feel happy of receiving the emergency weather alerts Android on their smart phone. Talk to them once they answer. One year after unveiling the original Blackphone, privacy protection startup Silent Circle has announced a second-generation (Pocket-lint) - Blackphone is out. Apr 25, 2020 · The Samsung Galaxy S20 features a screen that will automatically wake when lifted. So long as you’re on Wi-Fi – whether it’s your existing wireless May 08, 2020 · Here's how: Quickly click and release the Volume Up button. 17 Oct 2019 Also, when I wake the phone and Skype is in the foreground, I get a false message that there is "no internet connection" (there is and it is just fine at 100 down 5 up), and then a message in 1 person found this reply helpful. [/end quote] Among the features rolled out by Google in Android 5. Usually, someone can tap your phone by either using an Android or iPhone spy app or a hacking device. 3 Switch the phone to auto answer. Let’s start with Android first, followed by iOS. And the steps can be followed on both Android and iOS platforms. A visual alert on the alarm clock can be in the form of a light up alarm. Mar 04, 2019 · I have a similar issue only it has nothing to do with Blutooth. The blocked caller won't Touch the Answer icon to take the call. Watch and read stories about creative, driven people discovering how to make their world more colorful and connected. Here are five apps perfect for you to check the stock market share prices today on your Android phone. The next morning, which happened to be a Saturday, the alarm I had set on my Blackberry went off. Phone is Moto X4. This could either mean someone you’re talking to can’t hear you, you can’t hear them, or the screen just goes dark during a call and nothing happens. This monitoring software is primarily used by concerned parents and employers. Dec 06, 2018 · If your phone wasn’t shut down or you managed to turn it on somehow, here are some ways you can unlock or wake up your phone every time. omer, August 23, 2014. Wakie is the place where you can feel safe expressing your thoughts and feelings with people who eventually may turn into your real friends. This is annoying as this is my first phone after coming from iOS for several years, where this wasn't an issue. When you see the Samsung logo, you can let go of Power , but wait until you see the Android logo to release The SmartShaker is an award winning app-enabled wireless smart wake up alarm. Change WhatsApp notification settings Open WhatsApp > tap More options > Settings > Notifications. phone-in-the-pocket, phone-in-the-bag, phone-on-silent-mode, phone-with-super-obnoxious-and-loud-ringtone), but the idea is similar. Stagefright: Scary Code in the Heart of Android Nov 07, 2014 · The Android Lost management console. Nov 13, 2011 · (Some might say that screen-facing-up people are just more concerned about scratching the screen of their phone. The screenshot will appear in your Camera Roll or Saved Photos section. Ever sleep through your alarm, but wake up immediately when your phone rings? Just like a hotel concierge, WakeupDialer will call you with a fun greeting voiced by Stephen Fry: Preview. Here, you'll see a "Send Without Sound" pop-up. I uninstall updates, restart the phone, then reinstall updates. So if someone was listening How to wake someone up when their phone is on silent android. Here’s how to do it. AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager)context. ) There are definitely more categories of people than just these two (e. You can ring Android phone from even when it is in silent mode. Here is my code. About Urgent Alerts: Jul 03, 2017 · Android’s “Do Not Disturb” seems like a simple, self-explanatory setting. app Open Control Centre (swipe down from the top right of the screen on an iPhone with no Home button, or swipe up from the bottom on a Touch ID phone). You can even set the app to The Rock's own schedule — but don't do that unless Aug 11, 2016 · Someone says to disable the voice options that allows the phrase "ok google" to wake phone. From here, Outlook breaks up the settings for all of your accounts. If you have more than one device, click the arrow next to the device name to select a different device. The speaker isn’t covered up. AUDIO_SERVICE); audioManager. May 24, 2018 · It works particularly well on group conversations where the feed of messages is insistent and your phone alerts manage to distract you and drain your battery in equal measures. Step 2 Set Up Your Emergency Keyword for Texts How To: Silently Send Messages in Telegram to Avoid Waking Up or Disturbing Friends with Chats Notifications from Viber will follow the rules that you set. Tap the ‘Star’ in the top right hand corner Jan 08, 2015 · Is there anyway to wake someone up if their phone is on silent? My boyfriend fell asleep and I really need him right now. Select any of the following options in the top left corner of the screen: Ring: Rings your device at full volume for 5 minutes - even if it's set to silent or vibrate. Have someone call you. Like the iPhone app: Best Phone Security app. While both are viable options that can secretly capture video, today we're going over an additional method that will let you both schedule recordings or discretely trigger them without anyone around you noticing They’re on the left side of the phone. Choose your options: Choose Alerting or Unlike the Moto X with its Active Display or the Nexus 6 and its Ambient Display, some devices (especially those now running Lollipop) do not include a function that permits the display to turn on upon getting new notifications while the device remains locked or the display inactive. Push down the little knob on the side of your iPhone and check if you see orange. The incoming-call screen appears even when the tablet is sleeping; the incoming call wakes up the tablet, just as a real call would. " Mar 08, 2019 · Depending on the Android version and phone manufacturer, the name for this setting may differ slightly or you may have to look for this setting elsewhere. Instead of a loud buzzer, this alarm utilizes soft, soothing sounds Apr 19, 2017 · My setup is a silent Fitbit alarm that wakes me up and my phone alarm goes off 10 minutes later. Dec 09, 2019 · 13 Vibrators That Won't Wake Up Your Roommate. The app includes eight wake-up challenges to turn Mar 09, 2020 · It's more powerful than simply putting your phone on Silent mode. In fact, according to Dr Peter Henway, a senior security If a phone call notification is silent, your android phone not ringing. Instead of setting a normal alarm, you choose a half-hour window for your wake up time and let the app decide when to wake you. Jan 01, 2021 · Mi A3 Android 11 update that caused bricking of the phone for several users has now been stopped from rolling out. They're annoying. Posts tagged is there a way to wake someone up if their phone is on silent More Technology. To get them to wake up, tell them that you will count to five and that when you do, they will wake up feeling good and refreshed. Aug 28, 2018 · If you're just tired of your phone lighting up when you try to ask your Google Home a question, this method might be fine for you. Press the Android phone’s “Power” button and hold it until a menu appears on the screen. 79% of smartphone users have their phone on or near them for all but two hours of their waking day; 63% keep it with them for all but one hour. You can rearrange the order in which your favorites are displayed. ), or if you want them at all. 8 cool tricks every Android phone Once in settings, tap "Notifications" under Mail. Snapchat is one of the fastest-growing social media apps and daily increase mobile video users. The only problem is that if you use Skype a lot, they’ll basically end up taking over your Phone app. Waking up from deep sleep is unpleasant, it makes you tired and it may negatively affect your productivity during the whole day. Mar 21, 2018 · One can analyze or know the previous location of their phone by calling their service providers or by using Google services (if the device is an android one). Overbearing. Jun 18, 2018 · Of course, most people don’t bother shutting their phones off at night before going to bed like back in the feature phone days. if it's an emergency and the same person calls twice within three minutes. In short How to Locate Your Phone with a Simple SMSFull Tutorial: http://gadgethacks. But the notification will show up when you swipe down from the top of your screen. TalkBack: Customize Basic Settings Users can customize the settings of TalkBack to meet their specific needs, including changing the TalkBack volume, earcord volume, focus on the TalkBack audio above other audio sources, and the Feb 28, 2017 · PHONE SCAM WARNING: If you hear these words hang up IMMEDIATELY PEOPLE are being warned to hang up their phones if someone asks ‘can you hear me’ in a major new phone scam. Attack #2: Force-Close the Messages App. com]. I'm watching the movie on the same phone as the app - you'd think it'd realize something. Your phone buzzing under a couch cushion or blanket. It's also worth pointing out that Android's “silent” settings can be 16 Dec 2020 Sleep better and wake up rested with Sleep Cycle's smart alarm clock. Novak tweeted about wanting a feature where you could send an SMS with “wake up” to someone, and have it activate their alarm. RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE); this is for to put into the ringing mode Jan 24, 2019 · If you do that, make sure to star the right contacts in Android’s Contacts app — just tap on a contact to bring up their info, and tap the star in the upper right corner to mark them as important. Users are people who have an emergency case and need to call someone even if the other side is on silent mode. This user friendly device allows you to choose from up vibration, ringtones or both. Jun 05, 2018 · It turns out, though, you really aren’t paranoid – your phone is listening to you, and Vice’s Sam Nichols has delved into how. Jul 10, 2017 · Everyone likes to know who’s calling before they actually pick up the phone, and the easiest way to achieve that is with custom ringtones for specific callers. Press and hold the Side button (sleep/wake, on/off). My old iPhone 3G had That is true, Lana. Tap the number you want to make into a favorite and it turns up on the list. Auto-respond is a baked-in feature of Android Auto, which you can set up on a compatible head unit or install on any modern Android phone. Mar 27, 2020 · It’s about on par with Android phones with 20 to 30 percent larger batteries. It is usually found at the bottom. Users are people who needs to put their phone on silent mode sometimes, but still want to get a call only in case of an emergency. On some phones, this is referred to as the Downtime setting or even quiet time. Make sure it's set to on — either with "Mute" or "Vibrate," depending on your preference — and then press your phone's power and volume-up button together to activate it. You have the ability to see the content of text messages with those datas on the computer screen. WAKE UP THROUGH VIBRATION SUBTLY Conclusion. (Pocket-lint) - The world of Android phones is very different to the world of Apple phones. For one, people rely on their phones to stay in touch with others. . 0, a. Maybe you're in a There are two ways to access this menu from Android devices. It's perhaps the easiest and most effective way of Aug 23, 2017 · If you're the proud owner of an Android phone, you'll likely be aware of Google’s Assistant, similar to Siri on Apple phones. There are some smartphones that come with a feature which lets you quickly mute the phone calls by turning the As Emmie William said above (and I pasted below) when someone sends me a message there is no sound what so ever. You can change notifications for messages, groups, and calls by choosing: Whether to turn conversation tones for incoming and outgoing messages on or off. These are often used by people with normal hearing as a more therapeutic way to wake up, and are also a great alternative for people with hearing loss. Blackphone 2 is in. Your info is safe here and will never be shared. If you're one, you can also cut costs when dialing. Feb 01, 2018 · Connect your mobile phone to its charger and plug it into a power supply in the room you want to monitor. Clear the “Silent Mode” check box in the menu to disable the Silent Mode option. That said, if you forget to plug in your charger (or your power goes off overnight), your alarm can be a bit of concern. For people who have never used a Galaxy smartphone before, using the Samsung Galaxy can be an incredibly difficult and frustrating task. Most phones are lucky to get a single reboot once a week. Feb 18, 2018 · "Whenever you are willing to monitor someone’s location via the mobile phone number you need to know all these aspects and then you should use any application on the web that claims to mobile phone number tracker apps. The only option that remains with a normal user ( not Forces ) is to track your phone using IMEI Number of it (if you have it). Backing up your Android phone to your PC is just plain smart. Read: 22 Useful Android Build Prop Tweaks For Better Experience . Ah, that sweet new software smell. Use a ringtone that came with the phone instead of that custom one you whipped up late at night. Set a programmatic silent mode on your Android. Check Someone’s Location on WhatsApp via Command Prompt. We m Some things can't be replaced if we lose or damage our phone. So if someone was listening Aug 28, 2008 · My boyfriend doesn't wake up for anything in the morning. For example, if you activate notifications on your phone, they will not be automatically activated on your tablet. However, in the case of iPhone, you need not install any software. Fortunately, this is a simple process in Android. For example, on the Pixel 3 , running Android 9. applications' notifications set to silent, something will pop up and make noise, often at the most inappropriate times. Count to five and say with a powerfully authoritative voice, "Awake!" Rapid-Onset Hypnosis Demonstration May 28, 2020 · Worried someone is spying on you? Here are the signs to looks for, the 12 ways people can hack your phone and how you can prevent it from happening. Under “Recently Sent,” tap an app. Jan 01, 2012 · When I wake up before the sun sets I just feel so much more motivated and thankful for the long beautiful day, which all of a sudden seems to have 5 hours more. Is your phone blowing up with too many notifications? Learn how Tap 'Message Notifications' and tap 'All Messages' or 'Silent. As you can see, iCloud only can be applied to access and view some iOS files. Then three options will appear under it, here select the third one i. No one likes waking up in the morning, and if they do,well, God help those poor souls! Sep 28, 2013 · I had a Blackberry phone several years ago with this feature, I used the alarm to wake up for work at 4:30am. Silent switch: The iPhone’s silent mode switch is a quick, simple way to shut up your phone. The more complex the task How to hack someone’s text messages without having their phone If you decide to use spy apps, you need to have physical access to the target phone once while installing the app. 4 Nov 2014 Silencing my phone always gives me mild anxiety; while my Android is muted, and it's perfect for people who utilize silent mode often on their phones. Go to the Control Panel and track the Android phone’s location. Mar 30, 2020 · People. Apr 19, 2019 · In essence, the project uses a little speaker that generates white noise that is stopped by a wake word that then allows your Alexa or Google Home command to be heard. Make sure the Ring Volume is 50% or higher. Having a proper backup is the only way to be sure your digital things are always available. are blood banks available in mumbai? The system retrieves messages with the senders / recipients phone numbers and the date of sending / receiving messages. Don't miss out: Get phone service with Red Pocket for just $8 per month right now We may earn a commission for purchases using our links. Moving the switch located on the left side above the volume buttons mutes sound on the iPhone. If you were searching for answers to the question "how to track someone's phone," then this will still work for you. Marshmallow -- is toasted up, cooled off, and ready for the world to enjoy. The function is available on all devices which use WhatsApp, but you may be wondering how to mute someone on WhatsApp for Android . get while DND is turned on will still be waiting for you when you wake up. If you find your device waking up when it isn’t supposed to, such as in your pocket or backpack, you may wish Try not to use your phone while you're charging it and don't use high CPU-sucking apps, like Pokemon Go or Facebook, for long periods of time. It's really frustraiting. Hi i been haveing blood in my pee and i can,t see the blood but my dr can see it on the test and my dr is not helping me i hoop you can help me? Is donating blood important. a. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to mute specific messages so you’re not disturbed. Now click the picture below from your Android phone and it will guide you to There are many other possibilities you can try and share with your friends. Here you will learn how to turn off all notifications on WhatsApp on Android and iOS. Jul 18, 2019 · Fix the Android Phone Not Ringing Problem. Oct 23, 2008 · I Don't Think So Hun, You Might Be Able To Make It Vibrate But I Think That Is It, Because On Some Phones When You Put It On Silent, It Still Vibrates, Try It (= Dec 10, 2014 · “A lot of people keep snoozing alarm clocks and still can’t wake up,” says Adjamian. Learn more from our Suspend Service FAQs. If your boyfriend operates android then just spend 10 minutes to install this spy app on his phone. Aug 29, 2014 · Press and hold the Home button along with the Sleep/Wake button. In North America, dial *67 in front of the phone number, such as *675551239870. When a phone that is not connected to any Gmail Account either it has been reset or brand new, then such phones can’t be tracked using Android Device Manager or FInd My Phone option. Be sure not to touch the volume decrease button and inadvertently lower the sound to a point where you can’t hear it. Yes! you can Send a Loud Noise to Someone’s Phone is possible. Go to contacts, scroll for that particular person for you want to set silent and select. At MakeUseOf they’ve shared a small tutorial on how to configure the free Android application PC Auto Waker. Knowing how to stop AMBER alerts or disable the emergency weather alerts on Android should be helpful then. Check your volume. Jan 26, 2017 · A confirmation will pop up letting you know that you "will not receive phone calls, messages, or FaceTime from people on the block list. After it’s activated, if anyone slides the unlock-screen button – boom – the app takes a picture of them and a message pops up that says “Stop Snooping. Here's a simple trick to make your phone ring and locate it. Mode ‘All’: the silent mode of your Android is deactivated. It looks something like this — 37. Article by saumya. Next, in the new Detail screen you will see the option Hide Alerts, turn the toggle switch on and the contact is muted successfully. Actually, the phone goes straight to voice mail, after first saying the voice mail box had not been set up (which it had, but I did it again). Notistory May 06, 2013 · Last month, The Office actor B. Note: Your alarms will still sound. Other people's sleep would suffer before they were due to wake up and their stress levels may skyrocket during the day. android Android App; but also allow certain people and apps to break through. Dec 26, 2019 · Track Someone by Cell Phone Number Without Them Knowing. Yess, possible with conditions: If you have your app installed in the user phone and a server app communicating with this app, and there at last one of location service providers activated in the user phone, and some horrible android permissions! In Snapchat notifications settings in android devices, you can see stories, wake screen, vibrate, sound, Blink LED, ring and friend suggestions options. package com. info. Mar 31, 2019 · [High Quality] Silent Camera Starting things off is an app which can turn your phone into a stealth camera. Jul 01, 2020 · Waking up your subject is fairly simple. Step 3: Find the “Emergency Broadcasts” option. To install spy app, you have two choices either access their phone and install the software or hire any software company to install the application on victim’s cell phone remotely. who wish to allow some important people to wake them up during their sleep. Swiping Sep 19, 2019 · For putting someone’s message notifications on silent, follow the steps given below. Do this immediately after having the phone call go to voicemail after a single ring to see if they answer the unknown call. Jun 08, 2017 · For Samsung Galaxy Android Phones: If you use a Samsung Galaxy smart phone, Samsung has included a powerful feature called SOS Messages in the operating system. Contains your contacts that were in the Find My Friends app and your Apple Family Sharing group. ) Click Send confirmation code. Jan 17, 2020 · The customizable Android operating system gives users more flexibility than iOS does. Next, after crafting your message, long-press the send button. Nov 16, 2017 · I keep my phone in Silent mode close to 100% of the time. Maybe if they called just once a Dec 25, 2016 · Some people might need that jolt of intense biofeedback to get up. This can only work with WhatsApp Web but it is highly effective and very easy to do. Once in settings, tap "Notifications" under Mail. This needs to be looked into Google as it is an important option [/quote] Emmie Williams says September 11, 2018 at 12:33 am My hangouts notification sounds works in settings but not when someone sends messages. Most use their cell phones personally and professionally. That way, when your phone starts blasting “Cherry Pie,” you know it’s your wife. Tap the crescent moon symbol. You can also do this by calling the registry at 1-888-382-1222 from the number you want to protect. There's at least one person on your mobile phone that you never, ever want to pick up the phone for. This is very easy and the process is the same as creating an account on any other app. All phone calls are sound and vibrate in your android phone or tablet device. Learn mo There's a lot to look forward to with Android 11, but when will your phone actually get it? Here's everything we know! Special Deal: Discover the best Huawei Black Friday deals! P40 Pro and more We may earn a commission for purchases using our links. For such events, you can use the ‘Hidden Device Admin Detector’ from Trend Micro to fish out such apps. Then multiple texts might do the trick. Jan 01, 2021 · It features inactive hours to save some battery and uses phone’s sensors to wake your device up when you need it. then wake her up. 4. Turn off the phone, then press and hold the Home, Volume up, and Power keys together. Touch Decline to dismiss the call, especially when it’s someone who annoys you. I switched to a new phone, pulled the SIM out of my Blackberry, put it in my new phone and stuck the BB in a drawer. Remember that spying on someone’s text messages without their consent violate general principles of morality. You can say you don't, but it's probably a lie. Dec 01, 2017 · Cell phone was number one — and by a fair margin. com/how-to/find-your-device-without-using-mobile-data-android-0156430/Subscribe t Click the green Add mobile phone number button. Nov 11, 2019 · Both iOS and Android have a Do Not Disturb mode that will silence all incoming notifications on your phone—with some exceptions, if needed. It’s comprised o They've been replaced by my iPhone and its plethora of apps to keep me busy, Amid this collection for iOS () and Android (), whether phone or tablet-sized, features can The multi-lingual app bills itself as a "work of art that wakes you up . 6 stars from over 1,000,000 reviews! Crazy loud ringtone sounds for heavy sleepers and night owls, as well as gentle alarm clock sounds for morning people who want to wake up without any worries Photo Mission - Wake up and take a photo of the registered place to dismiss your alarm Math Mission - Solve simple or advanced math May 01, 2019 · Once you are in the conversation screen, tap at the contact name or number as shown in the screenshot below. " 3. First, silence that WhatsApp tone without putting your phone on silent. It currently runs with Android version 9 and has up to 30 features like call logs, data exports, instant messaging, etc. It isn’t enabled by default, but once set up, you can send an emergency alert to 4 pre-selected contacts by pressing the power button on your device 3 times in a row. Also, the longer a person is without a phone, the more likely it is someone could find the phone and steal valuable information. Natively, the Apple iPhone includes a feature that allows you to exempt certain contacts How to Use the Galaxy Phone for Beginners. However, you will need their Google ID and password. Most people give up easily when confused hence forget to search other possibilities of locating their lost phones. Gain access to the target phone and install Spyier into it without rooting. Apr 27, 2016 · 1. To unlock iPhone: Wake iPhone and then enter iPhone passcode, or with Face ID or Touch ID. “The key to boundaries is respect for self and respect for others,” McNaugton May 04, 2013 · Your phone slows down over time When you brought your Android phone home from the store, it felt blazing fast. Follow the below-given step by step process to change Snapchat notification settings in Android Luckily, this does nothing to the iPhone other than reboot it, so you don't have to worry about anything else messing up. If your basic phone is already lost, there isn't a way to track it. Those are the basic instructions for making a phone call on iPhone. But it’s all good—we’re here to make sense of it for you. When you tap this button, all the phone numbers you have for that person pop up. Nov 07, 2014 · The Android Lost management console. Hopefully, now you'll always be able to find your iPhone, no matter which seat cushion it might be under. Also, you can turn on Raise to wake (Go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Toggle Raise to wake green). That said, Android isn’t exactly malware resistant, and there have been malicious apps that won’t show up under ‘Device administrators’. Thankfully, Android offers a Do Not Disturb mode that will keep the phone more or less silent during designated hours. Past video recording apps we've covered made it easy to turn your Android device into a hidden spy camera, even allowing you to inconspicuously record videos using your volume buttons. Most any other way that I can think of would simply be rude unless they are for some reason depending on you to wake them up remotely or you know they’re running late for something important to them. Does anyone know how I can wake him up over the phone (without screaming)? Android is so flexible, there’s a solution to just about any problem. Apr 28, 2020 · Today I will tell you a trick to ring Smartphone in silent mode. I long pressed menu button to access "google now" page hitting menu again gives settings option. permission. In case of an android phone, you can use find my device service, where you’ll get the option to know the last location of your phone. " Block them and you're all done. 0 (Pie) , you'll have to open the Android Settings then select Sound, then to set Notification sounds, you have to tap Advanced , at the bottom Nov 05, 2014 · If someone is stepping back every few minutes, you might be standing too close and invading their personal space. Second, get rid of the WhatsApp icon or dot notifications (for new messages) on the notification bar. Schedule online and receive wake up and reminder calls as well as text messages on your 11 May 2020 Is the stock alarm clock app on your phone just not cutting it? We all eat, sleep, use the restroom and, usually, we all wake up after going to sleep. You can also go to the My Usage page in My Verizon to see if the phone has been used since it was lost. (Note: You do not need to include "+1" before your phone number, however, you must include your area code. There are three do not disturb modes on your phone to choose from: 1. I have tried an Users are people who needs to put their phone on silent mode Now in Android you can mark specific contacts that can call you when you are 24 Jan 2019 The bliss of turning off all notifications on your phone doesn't have to come with leads to more texts, crying foul at those who have the nerve to wake us up. Lastly, remove WhatsApp shortcut on the home screen. Whatever you change in one account stays with that account alone — no matter how many accounts you have attached to Outlook, you only affect one at a time. 10, the version that initially included silent messages. It snaps a picture of anyone who incorrectly enters your Jul 09, 2014 · This is probably the BEST way to find your iDevice when it is on silent and is lost around the house! You need these three things before you can do this: 1) Jailbroken iDevice! 2) Messages. Off: all sounds and vibrations are 25 Sep 2019 In an ideal world, you'd wake up when your alarm rings, turn it off immediately android phone showing alarmy app phones showing snap me up app As well as wake-up calls, these mini games are pretty fun in their own 16 Aug 2019 Now you can Set Android into Silent Mode Automatically in Bedtime and in silent mode when you go to bed and turn back on when you wake up. It can mean only one thing: Google's latest version of Android -- Android 6. J. Go to Settings > Phone > disable Silence Unknown Callers by moving the toggle to OFF position. Now, we’ll show you another way to make a phone call that doesn’t involve you having to remember or look up someone’s number. m. Your newly created alarm will now appear on the Alarm screen and is automatically turned on. When the app detects motion, it will then take a picture, which will be stored on the phone’s SD card. Hi I am new to android development. How to Allow Only Few Numbers to Disturb You in Silent Mode [Android How to] But in silent mode also you can allow certain callers to make ring your phone. 10) Step 2: Create and set up your account. Yep, even if it is in silent mode. Disable Caller ID. There should be a way for me to send a silent text message to people even when they have the volume up on their phone, in the case my message isn't urgent or time sensitive but they're busy with other things. Many phone call and text message spy apps include the feature to record and listen in on live calls Jul 13, 2020 · There are three steps to this. and it silences the ringer, sending that call People fueling their passions. We recommend you suspend your service to prevent unauthorized use until you find the phone or activate a different one. Sound works for a few seconds, then stops. With Google Play system updates, important security and privacy fixes can now be sent directly to your phone from Google Play, in the same way that all your other apps update. Step 4: Locate the option “Turn on Notifications”. ” It costs a dollar on iTunes. This will make it easier for you to find it. 00 at Amazon), you don't always want to be alerted to or bothered by phone calls, texts, and any other types of notifications. The following simple steps will show you how. When I start out the audio on maps works for a few seconds, then it stops. Settings > Device > Apps > Phone > Notifications > disable show silently Turn on safe mode to fix my android phone doesn’t ring when someone calls me Mar 19, 2018 · Now to set up your Android phone to notify when an email comes in that falls under that label. Spam sucks! Numbers are kept only to prevent abuse. To access them, tap the cog icon next to your avatar: We've got three different sections to adjust here: 1. By default, it operates silently – this means there will be no shutter sounds to attract unwanted attention. Press the “Up” volume button on the Android phone until the Silent Mode icon on the screen changes. This technique works best if it's a surprise. getSystemService(Context. From there disable voice open for ok google. I only came across it a few days ago, but my immediate reaction was of course pity for the iOS users who actually have to wish for something like this, rather than just sit down and create it in Tasker on Android. Oct 21, 2017 · Go to the ‘Phone’ app Go to the ‘Contacts’ section Select the contact (s) that you want to allow to ring even when your phone is on silent. Life360 membership offers a wide range of all-new services. For a different kind of a Alarm, check out the ZBand silent alarm system at Is there a way to Find if the person that you are trying to call is using Do Not to go through if someone Calls Again from the same Phone Number within three 9 Aug 2019 Your recipient will get a notification as usual, but their phone won't in the morning – but not urgent enough to wake up everyone in your work chat. These Calls show up in “Recents” tab on iPhone, making Users into thinking that
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Ideas for long-distance activities

Especially with the pandemic going on and finding difficulties to see your loved one, we try our best to keep the spark alive. And I see some people asking for what things you could do with your partner when you spend time together. I wanted to make this list and I hope it could be helpful to some. There are just some of the things I've done with my partner plus some ideas that we've yet to try but others could.
• Watching a movie or YouTube together (Teleparty, Discord screenshare, Watch2gether)
• Listening to music together (Spotify, Discord server VC)
• Reading each other stories and poems
• Singing to each other or togethekaraoke (Smule, Discord server VC where you could add a bot for music and lyrics)
• Playing games together (Stardew Valley and Minecraft, to name a few) You can try out other games if you have other consoles
• Playing board games (Tabletop Simulator, Catan, Othello, Chess, Scrabble, Monopoly)
• Other games: Battleship (Browser game), Cards Against Humanity and Skribbl.io(Can play with your partner and friends), Tetris, Facebook Games(Uno!, Dominoes, Draw Something, Word Blitz), Secret Hitler, Plato(mobile), QuizUp(mobile)
• Virtual museum tour
• Tour around your place using Google Maps and Street View
• Writing letters to each other
• Drawing each othetogether (There are sites where you can draw on the same board)
• Parsec (Allows remote gaming where you can control your partner's PC and vice versa. I tried this with my partner when we played Sims 4)
• Have a shared journal (I used Between. If you upload pictures or make new posts, your partner will be notified. It's like social media, but just shared between the both of you)
• Making a crossword puzzle for the other to solve (When I made one for my partner)
• Dancing/doing exercises together over FaceTime
• Sleep call
• Make quizzes for each other to take about yourself (Facebook has this app called "Know Your Friends". You could make a quiz about you and share it to your partner for them to take)
• Study session over call (If both of you are busy with homework, you could be in the same call and share screen. Your partner can help keep you accountable. You could also listen to the same music together.)
• Learn a language together (See who progresses more quickly over Duolingo)
• Learn an instrument together (If both you have the same instrument with you, you can progress together or have the other who knows to help you out)
• Try using Snap Camera for when you call over PC/laptop. There's some fun filters you could try out. Facebook Messenger also has games for when you video call.
• Cook the same dinner together and FaceTime.
• Take your partner out on a tour of your neighbourhood or school while you FaceTime them.
• Make TikToks/duets together.
• Make a Pinterest board where both of you could collab. Be it, pins of your dream house, clothes you would like for your partner to try, etc.
• Share a YouTube playlist where both of you could add songs.
• Dress up for each other over FaceTime
• Ask each other questions (You could look up "Questions to ask your boyfriend/girlfriend or check out some books such as "401 Questions for Couples in Long Distance" and "The Complete Book of Questions: 1001 Conversation Starters for Any Occasion")
• Go online shopping together (I did this with my partner when I was consulting him which shades for lipstick he wants to see me wear)
• Play texting games (Some good ones here)
If there are some more that I haven't included, suggestions would be appreciated! If anyone needs the link for the websites/games/apps I've mentioned, feel free to leave a comment.
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Quarantine date ideas and phone games to play with your SO. A repost of what I've written in r/LongDistance that couples in this sub might find useful.

Continuation to LDR Activities you can do with your partner.
Quarantine dates
  1. Go to supercook.com which lets you put any ingredients that you have in your house. Once your boyfriend or girlfriend have selected all the ingredients, you basically look through this list of all the dishes that you can make and you can each select one. Both of you select a recipe, make it together and then see who has the better dish.
  2. Get a shot glass and your favorite alcohol. Find a list on Google to ask your girlfriend or boyfriend. Once you find the list, you take turns asking questions. And if you don't want to answer it, you take a shot.
  3. Pick an event or a date night. Look through your closer together and find a matching outfit, and make matching outfits together.
  4. Get a Chrome extension called Scener. Click on the extension in the Google Chrome bar and follow prompts. Create a private theatre and choose a streaming service, and if you want to video chat, you can enable your camera. Pick something to watch and share the invite link with your girlfriend or boyfriend.
  5. Pick a category (e.g. Jewelry) and budget (e.g. 15 dollars), Set a time limit (e.g. 5 minutes). Find an item within the time limit. You can basically browse Amazon or any shops over the Internet and find a gift to find them under 5 minutes, with the same category and budget.
  6. Play phone games together: Brawl Stars (arena game where you can team up with your significant other), Spaceteam (a puzzle game that requires a ton of communication), QuizUp (has quizzes on a ton of different topics)
  7. Hogwarts Digital Escape Room
  8. Go to drunkpirate.co.uk. Add players. Drink if the card tells you to. Preferable to do this over video chat.
  9. Pick a song you like and give it to your boyfriend/girlfriend. Go on Spotify to search the song and make a playlist out of it. Go to the playlist and add some of the recommended songs. At the end, you should have a playlist for each other with the music that they like.
  10. skribbl.io - one person draws and everyone else guesses
  11. Go to Spotify. Click the device icon on the bottom left. Click "Start Session". Send an invite. Once they get the same invite, they'll be on the same listening session as you. So you can listen to the same music or Podcast together.
  12. Get the Google Chrome extension "Scener". Go to Netflix and search "Black Mirror Bandersnatch". This is essentially an interactive movie that you and your girlfriend/boyfriend can watch together.
Best phone games to play with your girlfriend or boyfriend (all online)
  1. Spaceteam - A puzzle game that you can play with your boyfriend/girlfriend or up to 7 other people. The whole point of this game is to try to get out of the space shuttle alive, so you get instructions and then you have to give to the other player playing the game. You have to give the instructions in a certain time limit. Play the game until you damage the ship completely or pass through all the levels.
  2. Bunch - You can play a bunch of different games with your boyfriend/girlfriend all while videochatting with them
  3. Never Have I Ever
  4. Most Likely To
  5. Truth or Dare
submitted by BuoyantBun to LDR [link] [comments]

2020 recap, top 10 and awards

I started 2020 with my fourth 12in12 list in as many years, and my goal was to experience the best from my backlog, curating my list to only include GotY-level games. And it has worked, as I had a stellar gaming year (the only good thing about Covid-19 being the additional gaming time). I had my best completion rate ever, with 17 games completed out of 20 (it also helped that I ditched the month/genre requirements), and 97 games completed overall. Funnily, only 4 games from my original "GotY list" ended up in my top ten, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, and strap in for a very long post.


Here is the spreadsheet if you're interested, with some graphs.

Trends of the year

Ever-expanding backlog
This year, the backlog was again assaulted from all sides (on PC): Epic gave away games like candy, itchio made the biggest bundle ever, and Game Pass solidified itself as the best subscription service around, with critically-acclaimed and recent titles added on a regular basis. I was able to take advantage of all these titles thanks to my new laptop. Plugging it into the TV made it easier for me to properly get into the games, making PC titles a greater part than ever of my playtime. Crucially, this also allowed to have a shot at games I would not have taken a risk on otherwise, shorter (Observation, A Mortician's Tale), weirder (Yoku's Island Express, Hidden Folks), flawed or just plain games (Sunset Overdrive, Steamworld Dig 2). This provided a vital breather in between more ambitious and long-winded games (Yakuza 0, The Last of Us Part II). Those AAA were generally of a very high quality, but it was still disappointing to see the same design trends pop up everywhere: loot, RPG mechanics, collectibles, and generally way too long running times, all these factors diluting the experience of their respective games, even in series that didn't have those before (God of War, Assassin's Creed Origins).
Platform usage
Most of these AAA were played on PS4, but the Switch has also found its place. I didn't play it much last year, and I was afraid it would go the way of the Vita (i.e. rarely played outside of holidays), but I've been playing it a lot inside the house, most notably when my wife is watching TV. It's been helped in no small part by the instant suspend/resume feature and by Slay the Spire, the infinitely replayable turn-based deckbuilder, enjoyable for any length of time, without audio or even one handed with the touchscreen. All this contributed to make other platforms irrelevant: I didn't play any PS3, PSVita or Android games this year.
Variety of games
I'm very happy with my progress this year (no shit). I finally experienced revered classics, old and new (Half Life, Dark Souls, Breath of the Wild, Into the Breach, Celeste), completed some of my longstanding backlog titles (Undertale, The Witcher 2, Left 4 Dead), kept up to date with some of the latest releases (The Last of Us Part II, Paradise Killer), and found the time for some lovable indies (A Short Hike, Ape Out, Night in the Woods). I kept coming back to a couple of games during the second part of the year (Slay the Spire and Rocket League), but for the first time, I did not feel like it was a bad thing: I had a good time, and it didn't prevent me from experiencing new games either.
Purchasing habits
I noticed I paid very little for all the games I played this year (less than 3€ per game): in fact the only purchases I made were a couple of highly anticipated releases for PS4 (The Last of Us Part II, Spelunky 2), games I intended to play coop with my wife (A Way Out, Overcooked 2), additions to my Switch library to prepare for holidays (Mario & Rabbids, Ashen) or extensions/sequels of games I already knew (Control DLC, Yakuza 6). Everything else came from my backlog and the aforementioned trifecta of Game Pass (a whopping 24 completed games, 6 abandoned ones), itchio bundle (12 completed, 2 abandoned), and Epic giveaways (3 completed, 1 abandoned). In fact, I'm now very reluctant to buy any new game, except my most anticipated games, games I intend to play on the Switch, or if they're exclusive to console. Thanks Game Pass.
Youtube on the rise
Even with all the time dedicated to playing, I have also found the time to watch a lot of gaming-related Youtube this year. I was already watching reviews and game design videos (IGN, GMTK, Errant Signal, Super Bunnyhop, No Clip, or even Girlfriend Reviews), and I have kept watching those. My favorite channel for this type of analytical content was Noah Caldwell Gervais', whose long form analyses of Red Dead Redemption 2, The Last of Us Part II and Kentucky Route Zero were unrivalled in my opinion. But this year, I've started watching people play as well, often content originating from Twitch, which meant less focus on carefully edited and scripted high-value content, and more emphasis on the streamer. I used to think this was drivel, that all streamers were vapid, overreacting for clicks, but I was able to find streamers whose high-level play brought tremendous value in and of themselves: either their skill were awe-inspiring and entertaining in their own rights (like Rocket League eSports players), or they helped me improve at the games they were playing (Jorbs explaining his deckbuilding decisions during Slay the Spire runs). I'm not planning on watching these live, but I'm happy I got to discover a new side to my hobby that I can watch on my own time.

Top 10

10. Kentucky Route Zero
Weird and poetic, beautiful and sad and powerfully moving, sometimes inscrutable or confusing, this literary adventure following a cast of misfits and down on their luck outcasts in a decaying America had bold touches, especially in the writing and the DLC interludes, and I loved the art direction and the soundtrack. I don't claim to have understood it all, but after a rocky start, I was left impressed, like I had experienced a title thoroughly singular and remarkable.
9. Night in the Woods
I loved the characters in this one, and the moments they share. They're the heart of the game, as gameplay wise, there's not much, but the writing is very sharp, funny and relevant, dealing with young adulthood and socio-economic concerns, which sounds preachy but cuts deeper than most other games. The protagonist is a bit insufferable at times, but the coming of age arc she goes through feels real and earned, and you get to experience beautiful moments with her friends and family, like band practice, crazy hijinks and honest heart to heart.
8. Eliza
Another narrative game, and this one also strongly resonated with me. The main character, an engineer at a bit of a crossroad in her life, felt very relatable to me. The game tries to discuss how technology can be leveraged to contribute to therapy, and the ethics side of it, and I thought the subject matter was handled very well, mostly avoiding sci-fi tropes. The therapy sessions featured complex characters brought to life with great performances, with thought provoking subjects being brought to light, and even though there was minimal input from the player, I was involved and cared deeply from start to finish.
7. Metro 2033/Last Light/Exodus
I played the whole trilogy in a month, and it left a big impression on me. The first remarkable thing was the world building, a unique take on the post-apocalyptic genre, set in the Moscow Metro, where people survive in settlements in each station, factions emerge, and the irradiated surface is crawling with mutated monsters. The sequel brought a better stealth and a better pacing, and the latest one blew the formula open, mixing Far Cry and Fallout, letting you roam in mini open worlds, scavenging ammo, influencing the plot by your actions, surviving tense fights, in every location your train stopped at. It also focused on the community you built aboard that train, and even though the writing wasn't great, the sense of belonging was real, and perfectly capped off a gripping saga.
6. Assassin's Creed Origins
What made the game so good for me was the Egyptian setting. It was a delight to walk this land, I was constantly impressed by the architecture of the monuments, the cities, and the evolution of the series to mimic The Witcher 3 allowed the setting to be brought to life even more by the numerous quests. The writing wasn't always satisfying, but it all contributed to paint a rich tapestry of a fascinating civilization. I have a high tolerance for Ubisoft open worlds, and I love stealth games in general, so it wasn't a hard sell to look past the few issues (RPG systems and loot), especially with the most charismatic leads in the series.
5. A Short Hike
A charming and masterly crafted experience, that felt like the best distillation of Nintendo principles: rewarding unguided exploration and play, with surprises around every corner, easy to grasp climbing mechanics, satisfying flight, quests that you stumble into on your own and provide natural incentive to keep going forward, all this with cute writing and presentation. It was the complete package in under two hours of playtime.
4. Ape Out
An even more stylish and primal Hotline Miami, starring a gorilla on a rampage through semi-randomized levels to the sound of jazz drums. It's not the most elaborate of games, but it is just so satisfying to splash enemies on the walls, to advance blindly in the levels following only your gut to a cool and perfectly synced soundtrack. Each level has a new twist, the challenge is perfectly tuned, and the whole game ends at just the right time.
3. Lonely Mountains: Downhill
I love the fantasy of riding bikes in deserted mountain tracks, making spectacular jumps or simply riding peacefully, and this game allowed it all. The game lets you enjoy the simple but deep gameplay, only setting achievable goals and providing ample ways to achieve them, with tracks that beg for experimentation. I'm not one for high score but I loved challenging myself in this game. Even if my scores weren't anything special in the end, I felt like I achieved extraordinary things all on my own.
2. The Last of Us Part II
The most impressive of AAA titles, with unparalleled technical prowess, arresting performances and narrative ambition to match, rich and tense combat encounters. I may not have loved what they put the characters through, or found issues with the pacing, but it's hard to argue it didn't make its mark. If only we could have some news from the multiplayer, it'd be perfect.
1. Slay the Spire
This roguelike deckbuilder grew on me like no other. When I reviewed it after 10 hours and my first win, I thought it was too hard and random and frustrating, and now I can consistently win any run on the standard difficulty with all characters. The depth here is really impressive, there are a number of viable decks, scores of relics, which make every run a bit different. Each beginning is tense, as you try to shape your deck with what you get along the way, and it often culminates in ludicrous synergies at the end of runs, which are so satisfying. I've played this game for about 250 hours now, and I've yet to beat the most difficult modes. It's been my go-to game for half of the year, single-handedly justifying my Switch purchase. It's easy to play, hard to master, pick up and play in the extreme thanks to the turn based system and the Switch suspend/resume, runs are always challenging but not overly long (about an hour). I've even bought the game again on PC to try some mods. I've watched hours of Youtube videos to improve my game, and it's been on my mind the better part of the year, so it's no surprise this tops my list.


And for some complimentary awards, to hopefully highlight the full range of worthwhile titles I experienced this year, beyond the top 10.
Best setting

Best combat

Best cute & chill indie game (appears to be my genre of predilection)

Funniest game

Best guilty pleasure

Best music (here is a playlist with my favorite tracks)

Most disappointing

And to end on a high note:
Favorite characters (in no particular order)

Congratulations if you made it this far, I'd love to read your comments, I wish you the best for the New Year and I'll see you for my 2021 list soon
submitted by Pahlan to 12in12 [link] [comments]

Honestly? Paper 1.16 runs fine on a Raspberry Pi 4.

Honestly? Paper 1.16 runs fine on a Raspberry Pi 4.

I'm running a server for my girlfriend and I and I'm actually quite impressed by the performance. I've read some negative things about it here, but most of the critique basically boils down to "you have to micro-manage your Pi to make it work". Well, fucking duh, as if we're not already doing this with our virtual hosts.
First thing first, here's the Pi.
OS: Ubuntu 20.10 aarch64 Host: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2 Kernel: 5.8.0-1006-raspi Uptime: 3 days, 23 hours, 20 mins Packages: 781 (dpkg), 6 (snap) Shell: bash 5.0.17 Terminal: /dev/pts/0 CPU: BCM2835 (4) @ 1.500GHz Memory: 2779MiB / 3793MiB 
I also do recommend running the latest Java version regardless of what's available as your default-jre. If you're running a Minecraft server on a Pi, you're absolutely not gaining any benefits from the stability of default-jre anyway. So, upgrade everything to their latest stable, no need for LTS on a Pi.
openjdk 15.0.1 2020-10-20 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 15.0.1+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 15.0.1+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1, mixed mode, sharing) 
All in all, my configs are fairly normal, nothing to pull hair about.
  1. Use Paper
  2. Use Aikar's flags
A single Pi optimization though.
Aikar notes against using too much RAM :
Don't use all of your memory!
When setting the Xms and Xmx values, if your host says you have 8000M memory, do not use 8000M! Minecraft (and Java) needs additional memory on top of that Xmx parameter. It is recommended to reduce your Xmx/Xms by about 1000M - 1500M to avoid running out of memory or "OOMKiller" hitting your server. This also leaves room for the Operating System to use memory too. Have 8000M memory? Use 6500M for safety. But you may also ask your host if they will cover this overhead for you and give you 9500M instead. Some hosts will! Just ask.
Linux has a shit memory management and Ubuntu Server + Raspberry Pi is no exception. I found my sweet spot to be about -2G on the Pi. Otherwise, the whole Pi would hang and it would have to be rebooted forcefully. But at -2G, you're totally safe. So, I used -Xmx2G. The OOMKiller is the least of your worries; I prefer a Java crash to a Linux crash.
I know hosting on a Pi isn't the best, so I got a back-up synchronized in real time using Syncthing. That also consumes RAM and CPU cycles, but... after the first sync, doesn't even make a difference. Make sure you use apt.syncthing.net, though; the Snap version is severely outdated. Yes, I use snaps, now fight me! Plus, if you use Syncthing, you can make changes directly on your desktop and have them synchronized in real-time with your server. Just make sure to shutdown before making .jar changes and don't run your server twice, you'll kill it.
As for plugins, I'm running these.
A very vanilla, very casual setup. Nothing fancy there.
I also maxed out DynMap's quality settings and added Faithful 32x.
That "First Light" thing is a one-liner plugin I've made to shutdown the server when the last person online quits. Rebooting the server often is a great way to have it remain stable. Plus, you'd clear up some player data and get more performance for DynMap right away. Well, as soon as the server boots-away; the server takes a long-ass time to boot on a Pi.
My original plan was to save some performance from my gaming setup while playing on the Minecraft server. If the server was using another computer's CPU, then that would leave more performances for me to use in shaders. However, seeing how well it performs, that changed everything.
The Pi is very much a one-server setup though. Don't ever think about hosting two of them in there, that's just not gonna work.
Right now, mine can support two players generating new terrain using Elytra and Fireworks. That gray thing in the water next to the spawn is the Creeper farm used for said Fireworks. The generation barely keeps up with the Elytra, but... Holy shit, the generation barely keep up with the Elytra! That's honestly way better than I expected.
So, buy away, host away. If you're planning to host a server for your family, that's fine. I'm absolutely positive it can handle 4 people at the same time. I'd be curious to see some more extreme tests with the Pi since there are some really good optimizations people can make, like pre-generating the terrain and changing some numbers in the different .yml files.
submitted by NatoBoram to admincraft [link] [comments]

best ios games to play with your girlfriend video

Best Video Games To Play With or Without A Partner On ... Best Social iPhone & iPad Games to Play with your Friends ... Top 10 CO-OP Games to Play With Your Wife, GF and SO Mobile Games You Can Play With Your FRIENDS! - YouTube 15 Best Couch Co-op Games To Play With Boyfriend OR Girlfriend 12 BEST Co-op Games To Play With Your Partner On ... Mobile Games You Can Play With Your Friends in 2020 - YouTube 10 Best FREE iOS & Android Games of January 2020 - YouTube Top 10 - Best Games To Play With Friends  10 Great Online ...

These are the best iPhone games to play with your girlfriend, wife, husband, or significant other. Below is a list of fun and exciting games you can play on your iPhone or iPad whether you’re ... 10 Best iPhone Games To Play With Your Friends When You're Bored AF. By Marisa Casciano. March 13, 2020. If you're chilling out at home this weekend, odds are, you might get a little bored. Below are many different types of games that you can play with your girlfriend or boyfriend. Have fun and do not forget to be a good sport. List of Boyfriend and Girlfriend Games 1. Two Truths and a Lie. This is especially a great game to play if you are in a new relationship. Use this game as an opportunity for you to learn more about each other. 10 Best Virtual Girlfriend Apps for iOS and Android Communication with virtual girlfriends has been existing only in fantastic films and video games for a long time. But technological progress doesn’t stop still. These are the 10 Best iPhone Games to Play With Your Girlfriend, wife, husband, or significant other. Fun and exciting games you can play on your iPhone or iPad while in the same room, on vacation, or even during a long-distance relationship.. Whether you’re looking for board games to play together, strategy games, Trivia, or even shooters like Fortnite, we have you both covered. Portal 2 Co-Op Campaign, Don't Starve Together, and TowerFall Ascension are probably your best bets out of the 24 options considered. "Creates a sense of accomplishment through a high level of teamwork" is the primary reason people pick Portal 2 Co-Op Campaign over the competition. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. Games to Play with your girlfriend, games play with your boyfriend, Hi couples, Today are you ready for having good fun with your partner, if you are ready then this post only for your fun time, first of all I want to tell you why today I am writing about games, because every day we enjoyed lot’s of fun by help of games with friends or family members, but if we share these type moments with ... It is a fun and engaging game to have virtual date nights with. Order and Chaos is one of the best MMORPG experience on iOS. You can create characters and tour the platforms together for a unique virtual walk. Using games like these to "take walks" is a fun way to feel like you are on a date with some imagination. Unfortunately they don’t seem to support data multidevice experience (they do have a pass and play though). If you connect over WiFi though the games can take up to 20 minutes a play and there are plenty of in app expansions. This is a great choice if you want to play together, but still maintain your own space and phone. Yes, your moment of victory has been lost to a bunch of rehabbing celebrities or teen moms. Before you run for the bleach to throw into your eyes, we've got a solution: 50 Games To Play With Your ...

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Best Video Games To Play With or Without A Partner On ...

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best ios games to play with your girlfriend

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