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Labor versus Machine - a brief history

Labour ain't gonna take this lying down...
Points from a WSJ article sidebar plus some extras:
...Vespasian considers a proposal submitted by the mechanicus for a job of transportation up the Capitoline hill. The bid is low and the individual who has proposed it presumably will be awarded the job. As a part of the proposal, the mechanicus apparently intends to make use of a labor-saving device designed to make the project easier, that is, less labor-intensive and therefore less expensive. Vespasian rejects the proposal on the grounds that it will deny the plebs an opportunity to work for pay. [Rome and her monuments: Essays on the city and literature of Rome in Honor..., p212, Susan D Martin]
1397 & 1412 Cologne
In 1397, for example, when tailors protested, the city of Cologne banned the use of machines that automatically pressed pin-heads. And in 1412, in response to resistance by silk spinners' guild to the adoption of a silk-twisting mill, the city declared that "many persons who earn their bread in the guild in this town would fall into poverty, for which reason the town council agreed that neither this mill nor in general any similar mill shall be made or erected, either now or in future." [The Technology Trap: Capital, Labor, and Power in the Age of Automation, Carl Benedikt Frey, p49]
Gutenberg’s printing press drew protests from Italian professional writers in Genoa in 1472, German card makers in Augsburg in 1473 and French stationers in Lyons in 1477. [WSJ - ibid]
No craftsman whall think up or devise any new invention, or make use of such a thing, but rather each man shall, out of citizenly and brotherly love, follow his nearest and his neighbour, and practise his craft without harming another's. -Edict of the King of Poland to resolve conflicts in the town of Thorn/Torun, 1523 [The European Guilds: An Economic Analysis, p438, Shellagh Ogilivie]
1495 & 1551
  1. The Gig Mill and Shearing Frame - The introduction of machinery into the dressing of cloth aroused dissension as early as the fifteenth century. A Statute of 1495 forbade shearmen to use "instruments of iron" in place of "the broad shears" and a Statute of 1551 prohibited "gig mills" for raising the nap. The latter prohibition does not appear to have taken effect, or Charles I. found occasion to issue a proclamation against them, and a Report on the Decay of the Cloth Industry, dated 1640, alluding to the frequent use of gig mills, "now called mozing mills, for avoiding the penalties of law," states that these "engines" still required to be suppressed in Gloucestershire "about Stroudwater." A writer in 1803 remarks that the gig mill had been employed in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire for dressing white cloth "longer than anyone can remember," although no strict proof could be adduced to identify this machine - which contained a cylinder covered by teasles - with that mentioned in Edward VI.'s Statute. The saving of labour was said to be very considerable, a machine managed by one man and two boys doing the work of eighteen men and six boys. [The History of Woollen and Worsted Industries, Ephraim Lipson, p188-189]
[William] Lee was a curate at Calverton when he is said to have developed the machine because a woman whom he was courting showed more interest in knitting than in him (or alternatively that his wife was a very slow knitter). His first machine produced a coarse wool, for stockings. Refused a patent by Queen Elizabeth I, he built an improved machine that increased the number of needles per inch from 8 to 20 and produced a silk of finer texture, but the queen again denied him a patent because of her concern for the employment security of the kingdom's many hand knitters whose livelihood might be threatened by such mechanization. The queen said to Lee: "Thou aimest high, Master Lee. Consider thou what the invention could do to my poor subjects. It would assuredly bring to them ruin by depriving them of employment, thus making them beggars." Most likely the Queen’s concern was a manifestation of the hosiers’ guilds' fear that the invention would make the skills of its artisan members obsolete. [Wikipedia)]
The white-bakers shall completely refrain from all innovation in baking as it is customarily practised in the town - Ordinance of the Middle Rhine bakers' guild federation 1604 [The European Guilds: An Economic Analysis, p439, Shellagh Ogilivie]
King Charles I of England banned the casting of buckets, suggesting it might ruin the livelihoods of the craftsmen who were still making buckets the traditional way.
If a cloth-weaver intends to process a piece according to his own invention, he must not set it on the loom but should obtain permission from the judges of the town to employ the number and length of the threads that he desires, after the question has been considered by four of the oldest merchants and four of the oldest weavers of the gild. -Woolen-weavers' Statute Amiens 1666 [The European Guilds: An Economic Analysis, p439, Shellagh Ogilivie]
In Limehouse, on May 10th 1768: Charles Dingley’s wind-powered Sawmill was burnt down by 500 sawyers who claimed it was putting them out of work.
This was a highly organised act; decided on collectively beforehand. When the sawyers marched on the Mill, Christopher Robertson, Dingley’s clerk, confronted the crowd and asked them what they wanted. “They told me the saw-mill was at work when thousands of them were starving for want of bread. I then represented to them that the mill had done no kind of work that had injured them, or prevented them receiving any benefit. I desired to know which was their principal man to whom I might speak. I had some conversation with him and represented to him that it had not injured the sawyers. He said it partly might be so, but it hereafter would if it had not; and they came with a resolution to pull it down, and down it should come.”
The mill, the first steam-powered sawmill to open in London, had been operating since early 1767, but the installation of new machinery there during a slack period in the trade when large numbers of sawyers were out of work pushed them into action. [Rebel History Calendar]
...infuriated woollens workers from the nearby textile town of Darnetal estimated at 200-300 strong broke through the picket of royal troops charged with guarding the bridges over the Seine River. Arriving in the manufacturing faubourg of Saint-Sever, these hand workers destroyed or burned English and English-style machines in the district's warren of workshops and proto-factories. The large and newly formed establishment of Debourges and Calonne & Company, which made cotton velours, was invaded by 300-400, who had to break down the heavy wooden front door with paving stones to get at the machines. Thirty machines were demolished and the cording section of the enterprise sacked before the firm's own workers repelled the mob with weapons distributed by the owners...Despite such spirited defense of new machinery, hundred of spinning jennies and a number of recently constructed carding machines were wrecked before the city's militia arrived to confront the crowds. Five were killed in the clash... Martial law was declared after another series of riots in Rouen and Sotteville led by artisans... machine breaking took place in Lourviers... Violence spilled northward into Picardy. Machines were destroyed widely in and around the woollens center of Abbeville where still English competition after 1786 had agitated a formerly docile, rurally based manufacturing labor force.
Popular unrest in northwestern France often featured intermittent machine-breaking. In July 1789, such activity was closely related to food shortages and to dissatisfaction with the political leadership of the city of Rouen. However, by October, according to a respected member of Rouen's legal community, artisanal mobilization stemmed almost exclusively from hatred of "the machines used in cotton-spinning that have deprived many workers of their jobs."
[The Path Not Taken: French Industrialization in the Age of Revolution, 1750-1830, p108-109]
Kaiser Francis I blocked the construction of new factories in Vienna and banned the importation and adoption of new machinery until 1811. When plans were put before him for the construction of a steam railroad, he responded: “No, no, I will have nothing to do with it, lest the revolution might come into the country.”
The Luddite movement—named after a supposed Leicester stockinger’s apprentice named Ned Ludham who responded to his master’s reprimand by taking a hammer to a stocking frame—began with the destruction of machines in the British lace and hosiery trades. Over the next few years the Luddites generally destroyed only machines that they considered innovations or that threatened employment. The British government took an increasingly stern view of any attempt to halt the force of technology and deployed troops against the rioters.
The Swing Riots were a widespread uprising in 1830 by agricultural workers in southern and eastern England, in protest of agricultural mechanisation and other harsh conditions. It began with their destruction of threshing machines in the Elham Valley area of East Kent in the summer of 1830, and by early December had spread throughout the whole of southern England and East Anglia.
The first threshing machine was destroyed on Saturday night, 28 August 1830 and, by the third week of October, more than 100 threshing machines had been destroyed in East Kent. As well as attacking the popularly hated threshing machines, which displaced workers, the protesters rioted over low wages and required tithes, destroying workhouses and tithe barns associated with their oppression. They also burned ricks and maimed cows.
The rioters directed their anger at the three targets identified as causing their misery: the tithe system, requiring payments to support the established Anglican Church; the Poor Law guardians, who were thought to abuse their power over the poor; and the rich tenant farmers who had been progressively lowering workers' wages while introducing agricultural machinery. If captured, the protesters faced charges of arson, robbery, riot, machine breaking and assault. Those convicted faced imprisonment, transportation, and possibly execution.
The Swing Riots had many immediate causes. Prof. J. F. C. Harrison believed that they were overwhelmingly the result of the progressive impoverishment and dispossession of the English agricultural workforce over the previous fifty years, leading up to 1830. In parliament Lord Carnarvon had said that the English labourer was reduced to a plight more abject than that of any race in Europe, with their employers no longer able to feed and employ them.
The name "Swing Riots" was derived from Captain Swing, the fictitious name often signed to the threatening letters sent to farmers, magistrates, parsons, and others. He was regarded as the mythical figurehead of the movement.('Swing' was apparently a reference to the swinging stick of the flail used in hand threshing). The Swing letters were first mentioned by The Times newspaper on 21 October 1830.
Elias Grove’s wheat-threshing machine was destroyed in a fire in Baltimore. Ten days later a letter arrived with a warning: “Mr. Grove: You will stop your other machine or next will be your life. We intend to stop steam threshing. We do not get enough work through the Winter and Summer.” A number of U.S. farmers had received similar threatening letters in the 1870s.
The introduction of machinery in La Ferme cigarette factory led to a serious riot Saturday. The employes, who believed that the use of machinery would throw many of them out of work, smashed the machines and hurled the fragments out of the widows. They also threw a large quantity of cigarettes and manufactured tobacco into the streets. The police, aided by firemen and headed by the prefects, suppressed the riot and arrested a great number of the employes and their sympathizers, who aided them in the demolition of the machinery ana the destruction of other property. [San Francisco Call, Volume 78, Number 178, 25 November 1895]
The administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to slow the pace of mechanization. Of the 280 regulations issued by the National Recovery Administration, 36 included restrictions on the installation of new machines.
Members of the Culinary Union in Las Vegas voted to authorize a strike if contract negotiations with casino operators failed to address concerns including job security and retraining regarding automation. “We support innovations that improve jobs, but we oppose automation when it only destroys jobs,’” said Geoconda Argüello-Kline, the union’s secretary-treasurer. A strike of 50,000 workers was averted with agreements that set goals regarding technology and automation for worker retention, job training, advance notice of implementation and severance packages
(recommended reading "The Technology Trap: Capital, Labor, and Power in the Age of Automation", Carl Benedickt Frey, 2019)
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[Tuesday, 06. August]

World News

Top Climate Scientist Quits USDA, Accuses Trump Administration of Trying to Bury Research
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Uruguay issues travel warning for the U.S. after mass shootings, citing "indiscriminate violence" and a rise in hate crimes
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Three masked youngsters from Hong Kong's anti-government movement took the unusual step on Tuesday (Aug 6) of holding a press conference to demand democracy, liberty and equality and condemn the city's pro-Beijing leaders.
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All news, US and international.

R. Kelly Charged With Underage Prostitution in Minnesota
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MAGA Mail Bomber Cesar Sayoc Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison
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Grandmother averts mass shooting by bringing grandson to hospital after threats
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Police use-of-force is the 6th leading cause of death among men age 25-29 in the US. Researchers used data compiled by the National Vital Statistic System’s mortality files and Fatal Encounters to create one of the few comprehensive baseline estimates for how often Americans are killed by police.
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Men on Tinder do not appear to be intimidated by highly educated women, suggests new study (n=3,600), which found no evidence that men have an aversion to a highly educated romantic partner. Both men and women on Tinder tended to prefer better educated partners, though women were far more selective.
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Scientists have produced electricity by flowing water over extremely thin layers of inexpensive metals, including iron, that have oxidized. These films represent an entirely new way of generating electricity and could be used to develop new forms of sustainable power production.
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Tokyo offers $1 billion research grant for human augmentation, cyborg tech
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The FTC Should Fine Itself for False Advertising for Promising You $125 From Equifax - Consumer groups say the FTC engaged in the same false and deceptive behavior it’s supposed to police.
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Sadly, this is not the Onion.

SA Police forced to retract gift card prize for officer who issues the most speeding fines
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Miami Marlins apologise for blaming rival Rays for death of Steve Irwin
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Men are avoiding reusable shopping bags so they won't look gay
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It finally happened - working with someone born after I started in IT...I'm only 36!
My job is knowing other people's job / being able to learn their job and save them from themselves and I just had an epiphany.
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(actually) Uninstall Microsoft Teams
Reverse engineering powershell malware

Functional 3D Printing

New damper feet for my printer.
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Just printed this bottle holder on my Ender 3.
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Mi Band 3 charging dock.
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Visualising Every Single Day of the US Stock Market for the Last Decade [OC].
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Today I Learned (TIL)

TIL Of Robert Campbell, a World War One soldier who was a German prisoner, he learned that his mother was dying, and wrote to the Kaiser, asking to be released. His request was granted, with the condition that he had to return. Campbell spent a week with his mother, then returned.
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TIL Former US President Jimmy Carter lives in a $167,000 house and shops at the Dollar General
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TIL that despite it being common practice for casinos to ban card counters, a 1979 New Jersey Supreme Court decision banned all Atlantic City casinos from doing so, making them the only state in America where a casino is forbidden from throwing out skilled blackjack players.
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So many books, so little time

Beloved Author Toni Morrison Has Died at 88
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The power of language: Toni Morrison’s Nobel prize acceptance speech
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OldSchoolCool: History's cool kids, looking fantastic

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Red Rocks Amphitheater, 1939
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For all Hercs fans! (Ctto: Mr Rio de Vera)
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Flying in a Fouga Magister tonight as a passenger !!
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One of the 26 Concorde jets ever produced. This one, flown under the Air France banner, sits inside the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum’s Udvar-Hazy Center in Virginia.
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Reddit Pics

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.gifs - funny, animated gifs for your viewing pleasure

Very small bun wakeup time.
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A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures

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